
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


info is a personal website built using webpack, webpack-dashboard, and jest.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:zkm/info.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd info

  3. Install the dependencies: yarn


To run the app in development mode with webpack-dashboard: yarn start

This will start the development server and open the app in your default browser. Any changes you make to the source code will automatically trigger a hot reload.


To build the app for production: yarn build

This will generate optimized and minified assets in the dist directory.


To run the tests: yarn test

This will execute the test suite and provide feedback on the test results.


To deploy the application:

  1. Update the necessary deployment configuration settings, such as API keys or deployment targets.
  2. Run the deploy command: yarn deploy

Additional Dashboard Options

The webpack-dashboard provides additional options for customization:

  • Progress Bar: To enable the progress bar during the build process, set the showProgress option to true in the webpack configuration file.

  • Customizations: You can customize the appearance of the dashboard by specifying custom colors and layouts in the webpack configuration file.

Refer to the webpack-dashboard documentation for more information on how to utilize these options.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.