
Scalable css3 pretty :ballot_box_with_check: chekboxes and :radio_button: radio buttons. - No javascript!

Primary LanguageCSS

✔️ Pretty checkbox

No more boring old fashioned checkboxes. New scalable CSS3 pretty checkbox and radio buttons with custom font icon library. Only CSS!

Check it out the Demo for complete documentation.

Get started

Install the library from bower , npm or yarn package manager

> bower install pretty-checkbox
> npm install pretty-checkbox
> yarn add pretty-checkbox

Add pretty.min.css in your html

From CDN,

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pretty-checkbox/2.2.1/pretty.min.css"/>

or from the source,

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../PATH/pretty-checkbox/src/pretty.min.css"/>

You can also import pretty.scss in your main scss file.

@import '../PATH/pretty-checkbox/src/pretty.scss';

PATH is where the library is downloaded.

Checkbox markup,

<div class="pretty">
  <input type="checkbox"/>
  <label><i class="mdi mdi-check"></i> Buy vegetables</label>

Basic examples

<div class="pretty primary">
  <input type="checkbox"/>
  <label><i class="mdi mdi-check"></i> Primary</label>
<div class="pretty">
  <input type="radio" name="radio">
  <label><i class="mdi mdi-check"></i> Option 1</label>
<div class="pretty">
  <input type="radio" name="radio">
  <label><i class="mdi mdi-check"></i> Option 2</label>

Refer the Documentation for other features and sass settings.

Custom font library

This library supports wide variety of font icon libraries. Currently tested with FontAwesome , Bootstrap Glyphicon , Google Material Design icons(material.io), Material Design icons (mdi) , Material Design icons (zmdi) , Typicons , Ionicons.

What else

  • Scalable. Can be used in any font sizes
  • Cool animations and toggle features
  • Customizable. See the demo for sass settings
  • Used in frameworks like bootstrap, Foundation, Sematic UI
  • Supported in all mordern browsers, including mobile devices
  • Print friendly
  • MIT Licence

Thats all, folks!


Contributions are welcome!