This is the frontend code of the classic version of mangaEditor. For the v2 version of code, please refer to The mangaEditor v2 Project.
git clone
yarn run build
+ Fixed a problem that triggers multiple render after exiting the edit mode
+ Fix the bug that dragging texts may cause visual artifacts
+ Now horizontal text will not be line-breaked
+ The image export now respects HiDPI scaling
+ Add an option to use Comic Sans MS
+ 修复了一个离开编辑模式时进行了多次渲染的bug(之前明显会感觉卡顿)
+ 修复了拖动文本款可能出现残影的问题
+ 现在可以任意编辑横排文本不会出现折行了
+ 导出图片的分辨率不再受HiDPI的影响
+ 增加了使用Comic Sans MS的选项
It is strongly recommended to use the issue tracker. If you are not familar with github, please email to:
ljsabc <at>