
sql convert to elasticsearch dsl

Primary LanguageJava


convert SQL to Elasticsearch DSL in java.




  • and
  • or
  • equal(=)
  • not equal(!=)
  • gt(>)
  • gte(>=)
  • lt(<)
  • lte(<=)
  • in (如 id in (1,2,3) )
  • not in (如 id not in (1,2,3) )
  • 括号语法 (如 where (a=1 or b=1) and (c=1 or d=1))
  • 模糊查询 like 表达式 (目前用query_string实现)
  • order by
  • limit
  • not like
  • 空字段检查(is null, is not null)


  • group by

group by中多个字段用“,”隔开,生成的dsl聚合会从左到右深入,sql中存在group by才会生成聚合

  • having聚合(如 having a=1 and b=2)


  • 统计类聚合函数,如 count(*), count(field), min(field), max(field), avg(field), sum(field)

统计类函数会放到最底层聚合中,且只有group by时这些函数才会生效

  • 每个聚合必须带别名,如(select count(user) userTotal ...)
  • 仅es支持的统计聚合函数,如 stats(field), extended_stats(field), percentiles(field)


  • 每个聚合必须带别名,如(select stats(user) userStats ...)
  • 其他支持,filter函数

此函数在dsl和sql均不支持,作为dsl聚合的扩充,用法filter($sql_expr),如 filter(sex = 1), filter(sex = 0 and name like 'lucy'),每一个filter会转换成一个聚合放入最底层聚合当中,最终放在buckets = $Alias.COUNT中

  • 每个聚合必须带别名,如(select filter(sex=1) maleTotal, filter(sex=2) femaleTotal ...)


  • join表达式
  • 多表查询


  • com.eolinker.sql2dsl.TestDemo


  1. select * from user where sex = 1 and age >= 18
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"match_phrase" : {"sex" : "1"}},{"range" : {"age" : {"from" : "18"}}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where sex = 1 or age < 18
{"query" : {"bool" : {"should" : [{"match_phrase" : {"sex" : "1"}},{"range" : {"age" : {"lt" : "18"}}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where dept in ('A','B','C')
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"terms" : {"dept" : ["A","B","C"]}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where dept not in ('A')
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"bool" : {"must_not" : {"terms" : {"dept" : ["A"]}}}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where (sex = 1 and age > 18) or (sex = 0 and age > 18)
{"query" : {"bool" : {"should" : [{"bool" : {"must" : [{"match_phrase" : {"sex" : "1"}},{"range" : {"age" : {"gt" : "18"}}}]}},{"bool" : {"must" : [{"match_phrase" : {"sex" : "0"}},{"range" : {"age" : {"gt" : "18"}}}]}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where name like 'lucy'
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"query_string":{"default_field": "name","query":"*lucy*"}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where name not like 'lucy'
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"bool" : {"must_not" : {"match_phrase" : {"name" : {"query" : "lucy"}}}}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user order by id desc, name asc limit 0,10
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 10  ,"sort" : [{"id":"DESC"},{"name":"ASC"}]}
  1. select * from user where mobile is null
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"bool": { "must_not": { "exists": { "field": "mobile" }}}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user where mobile is not null
{"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"bool": { "must": { "exists": { "field": "mobile" }}}}]}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0 }
  1. select * from user group by dept,class,level
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0  ,"aggregations" : {"dept":{"terms":{"field":"dept","size":500},"aggregations":{"class":{"terms":{"field":"class","size":500},"aggregations":{"level":{"terms":{"field":"level","size":500},"aggregations":{}}}}}}}}
  1. select * from user group by dept,class having sex = 1 and age >18
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0  ,"aggregations" : {"dept":{"terms":{"field":"dept","size":500},"aggregations":{"class":{"terms":{"field":"class","size":500},"aggregations":{"HAVING_RESULT":{"filters":{"filters":{"COUNT":{"bool":{"must":[{"match_phrase":{"sex":"1"}},{"range":{"age":{"gt":"18"}}}]}}}}}}}}}}}
  1. select count(*) userTotal from user group by class
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0  ,"aggregations" : {"class":{"terms":{"field":"class","size":500},"aggregations":{"userTotal":{"value_count":{"field":"_index"}}}}}}
  1. select min(math) min_math,min(chinese) min_ch,max(english) max_eng, avg(total_score) avg_score from score group by class
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0  ,"aggregations" : {"class":{"terms":{"field":"class","size":500},"aggregations":{"min_math":{"min":{"field":"math"}},"max_eng":{"max":{"field":"english"}},"min_ch":{"min":{"field":"chinese"}},"avg_score":{"avg":{"field":"total_score"}}}}}}
  1. select extended_stats(total_score) stat_score,percentiles(total_score) pc_score from score group by class
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0  ,"aggregations" : {"class":{"terms":{"field":"class","size":500},"aggregations":{"stat_score":{"extended_stats":{"field":"total_score"}},"pc_score":{"percentiles":{"field":"total_score"}}}}}}
  1. select filter(sex=1 and age<14) boy_total, filter(sex=2 and age<14) girl_total, filter(sex=1 and age>=14) man_total, filter(sex=2 and age>=14) women_total from user group by dept
{"query" : {"match_all": {}}  ,"from" : 0  ,"size" : 0  ,"aggregations" : {"dept":{"terms":{"field":"dept","size":500},"aggregations":{"women_total":{"filters":{"filters":{"COUNT":{"bool":{"must":[{"match_phrase":{"sex":"2"}},{"range":{"age":{"from":"14"}}}]}}}}},"girl_total":{"filters":{"filters":{"COUNT":{"bool":{"must":[{"match_phrase":{"sex":"2"}},{"range":{"age":{"lt":"14"}}}]}}}}},"man_total":{"filters":{"filters":{"COUNT":{"bool":{"must":[{"match_phrase":{"sex":"1"}},{"range":{"age":{"from":"14"}}}]}}}}},"boy_total":{"filters":{"filters":{"COUNT":{"bool":{"must":[{"match_phrase":{"sex":"1"}},{"range":{"age":{"lt":"14"}}}]}}}}}}}}}