Native port of Redis for Windows,it can be installed as service.
- 6666666aaadddd
- AliA74Paeezan Game Studio
- AlokRanjanBhoiZKTeco India
- artisthl
- ashoksri0
- bakapear
- bsc2xp
- cmhello88Chengdu, China
- Dhyan-DCSB
- dikas2017
- ednilsomSetis Automacao e Sistemas Ltda
- elitiwin
- evawanff
- fusionpixel
- fy2099
- haungxinyan
- hienxKiotbase
- icetech233ice studio
- kawupython
- kid20210528
- likevhenan china
- Lokeswari3
- Manojmoolya
- masoudarvishian
- ModernTao
- mohitsSingapore
- my9988
- nuui
- pavan-1296
- permanar@umah-creative
- ryanhelmsIntelligent Media, LLC.
- saradakamasani
- slaughtering
- sqr64
- xisiyong
- yiivon