
Kelvin's R package that holds wrapper functions for a number of work things

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

License: GPL v3 codecov Build Status


Kelvin's wrapper scripts for R plotting functions and other stuff. v2.0 - updated the functionality of the logistic regression functions, including a bootstrap wrapper.

Installation instructions

You can install the package via devtools::install_github() function in R

if (!requireNamespace('devtools', quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE))

BiocManager::install(c('SummarizedExperiment', 'SingleCellExperiment'))
devtools::install_github('zktuong/kelvinny', dependencies = TRUE)

Usage instructions


The package contains a couple of wrapper functions for plotting in R, mostly revolving around the use of ggplot2, pheatmap and viridis etc. I will update the package as i start writing more. use ?functionname to find out more options that each function can take. The plotHeat function has a small tutorial on how to generate some basic heatmaps.


A shortcut to plotting heatmaps, provided the table you want to plot can be uploaded into R.

data <- read.delim("table.txt") # a typical way to load a tab-delimited text file
# or in this specific example, i'm using a data table that is already preloaded in R
data <- iris[,1:4] # i'm removing the last column because it's not numeric
plotHeat(data, col = "RdWhBlu")


plotHeat(data, col="viridis")


plotHeat(data, col=c("green","black","red"))


plotHeat will take additional arguments from pheatmap. So, using example for pheatmap:

test = matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 10)
test[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] = test[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] + 3
test[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] = test[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 2
test[15:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] = test[15:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 4
colnames(test) = paste("Test", 1:10, sep = "")
rownames(test) = paste("Gene", 1:20, sep = "")
# Generate annotations for rows and columns
annotation_col = data.frame(
  CellType = factor(rep(c("CT1", "CT2"), 5)),
  Time = 1:5
rownames(annotation_col) = paste("Test", 1:10, sep = "")
annotation_row = data.frame(
  GeneClass = factor(rep(c("Path1", "Path2", "Path3"), c(10, 4, 6)))
rownames(annotation_row) = paste("Gene", 1:20, sep = "")
# plot
plotHeat(test, annotation_col=annotation_col, annotation_row=annotation_row)


plotHeat(test, annotation_col=annotation_col, annotation_row=annotation_row, col="viridis")



Generates the standard colors used by ggplot.

#  [1] "#F8766D" "#EA8331" "#D89000" "#C09B00" "#A3A500" "#7CAE00" "#39B600" "#00BB4E" "#00BF7D" "#00C1A3" "#00BFC4" "#00BAE0" "#00B0F6"
# [14] "#35A2FF" "#9590FF" "#C77CFF" "#E76BF3" "#FA62DB" "#FF62BC" "#FF6A98"


same in function as {base} dir.create, but always recursive



pbcopy lets you copy any object from R to paste outside as a dataframe/vector as you wish.


pbpaste does the reverse: converts what you copy outside and paste as a vector in R.

pasted_data <- pbpaste()


Uses RandomForest algorithm to classify data, for example seurat single-cell data

# library(kelvinny)
## running RF classifier neat
classifier.class <- RFclassifier(train.seurat, training.classes = train.seurat@ident)
prediction.class <- RFpredictor(classifier.class, as.matrix(test.seurat@data))
RF_class <- prediction.class$prediction
names(RF_class) <- colnames(test.seurat@data) 
test.seurat <- AddMetaData(test.seurat, metadata = RF_class, "RF_class")

## running RF classifier but extract the probability
classifier <- RFclassifier(train.seurat, training.classes = train.seurat@ident, importance = "impurity", probability = TRUE)
prediction <- RFpredictor(classifier, as.matrix(test.seurat@data))

## plot this as a heatmap:
prediction_mat <- prediction$predictions
test.seurat.metadata <- cbind(test.seurat@meta.data, prediction$predictions)
test.seurat.metadata <- test.seurat.metadata[order(test.seurat.metadata$combined.clusters), ]

plotmat <- t(test.seurat.metadata[,9:ncol(test.seurat.metadata)])
colAnno <- test.seurat.metadata[,c(5,7,8)]

palette <- paletteer_d(package = 'rcartocolor', palette = 'Vivid', 12)

RF_class <- gg_color_hue(15)
names(RF_class) <- levels(test.seurat.metadata$RF_class)[-4]
combined.clusters <- palette
names(combined.clusters) <- levels(test.seurat.metadata$combined.clusters)
protocol <- viridis::viridis(2)
names(protocol) <- unique(test.seurat.metadata$protocol)

anno_color <- list(RF_class = RF_class, combined.clusters = combined.clusters, protocol = protocol)

plotHeat(plotmat, color = inferno(50), scale = "none", annotation_col = colAnno, annotation_colors = anno_color, cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_cols = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE)



Uses glmnet algorithm to predict data.

model <- train_model_glmnet(data, variable_colname = "disease", alpha = 0.5, cutOff = 0.5, nfolds = ncol(data)) # LOOCV Elastic net regularization
pred <- test_model_glmnet(model = model, new_data = newdat, type = "link")


A cleaner version of above. Uses glmnet algorithm to predict similarity of cells to reference/training data. Can take expression matrix as well as Seurat or SummarizedExperiment objects.

### SummarizedExperiment/SingleCellExperiment object
model <- trainScSimilarity(train.sce, colData(train.sce)$CellType, test.sce, nfolds = dim(train.sce)[2])
pred <- predScSimilarity(model, test.sce)
### Seurat v2 object
model <- trainScSimilarity(train.seurat, seurat@ident, test.sce, nfolds = dim(train.seurat@data)[2])
pred <- predScSimilarity(model, test.seurat)

# bootstrap
# using Seurat V3 object as an example
pred <- similarity_bootstrap(train.seurat, Idents(train.seurat), test.seurat, nboots = 50, simplify = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) # simplify will toggle whether to return the mean and SD of the prediction, or all as nested lists, and verbose will toggle hide/unhide of the messages


Converts codon nucleotide sequences to amino acids

# [1] "Phe"
codon("ttt", "ttg")
# [1] "Phe>Leu"


reads a .gmt file and automatically convert to a table, like a .gmx file
