
My neovim setup config

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT

My neovim setup config


It's assumed you have:

  • nvim with version => 0.5
  • rust_analyzer for rust language lsp support
  • tsserver for js/ts lsp support
  • vim-plug for plugins management


  • Modern LSP (lsp-cmp+your lsp) and AI (TabNine) code completion support 🔥
  • Easy instal process 🔥
  • Git support 🔥
  • Styling support 🔥
  • Simple support of file system tree and terminal bars, there is no need to open other windows 🔥
  • Adjustable for multiple OSes, what do you have (mac, unix, linux, windows) just does not matter 🔥
  • No need to install anything manually, except for dependencies listed 🔥


Copy the init.vim to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, open nvim and execute :PlugInstall.

If you're meeting problems with fonts on gnu/linux please try to install them like this

wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v2.1.0/3270.zip 
unzip 3270.zip -d ~/.fonts
fc-cache -fv