
Demo to build Service Mesh on Kubernetese using Envoy as data plane and SPIRE and OPA as control plane.

MIT LicenseMIT


Demo to build Service Mesh on Kubernetese using Envoy as data plane and SPIRE and OPA as control plane. This demo is zlabjp/spiffejp-demo with OPA added.

  • Use Kubernetes 1.17.0
  • Use Envoy 1.12.2, SPIRE 0.9.0 and OPA 0.15.1
  • Envoy uses SPIRE as SDS Server to obtain TLS certificate
  • Envoy uses OPA as External Authorization Server to check if the incoming request is authorized or not

Blog is here. (Japanese)

Policy Overview


Four services are running in Kubernetes Cluster.

  • ec-web( spiffe://example.org/ec-web
    • ec-web ONLY accept requests with custom header "X-Opa-Secret" containing "ec-web-secret" value
  • ec-backend( spiffe://example.org/ec-backend
    • ec-backend can ONLY be accessed from ec-web
  • news-web( spiffe://example.org/news-web
    • news-web ONLY accept requests with custom header "X-Opa-Secret" containing "news-web-secret" value
  • news-backend( spiffe://example.org/news-backend
    • news-backend can ONLY be accessed from news-web



  • Authentication using SPIRE
  • Authorization using OPA

1. Create Kubernetes Cluster

Create a Kubernetes cluster with the required flags to run NodeAttestor "k8s_psat" in SPIRE.

minikube start \
    --kubernetes-version v1.17.0 \
    --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-signing-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/sa.key \
    --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/sa.pub \
    --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-issuer=api \

2. Deploy SPIRE Server

Deploy SPIRE Server as StatefulSet.

kubectl apply -f spire-server.yaml

3. Deploy SPIRE Agent

Deploy SPIRE Agent as DaemonSet.

kubectl apply -f spire-agent.yaml

4. Create Registration Entries in SPIRE Server

Create node entry.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/node \
    -selector k8s_psat:cluster:demo-cluster \

Create workload entries.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe://example.org/node \
    -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/ec-web \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:ec-web

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe://example.org/node \
    -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/ec-backend \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:ec-backend

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe://example.org/node \
    -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/news-web \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:news-web

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe://example.org/node \
    -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/news-backend \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:news-backend

Confirm the created registration entries.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry show

5. Deploy four services

Deploy four services. SPIRE Agent (Unix Domain Socket) mounts on Envoy container and run Envoy and OPA as sidecar.

kubectl apply -f ec-backend.yaml
kubectl apply -f ec-web.yaml
kubectl apply -f news-backend.yaml
kubectl apply -f news-web.yaml

6. Check policy

✅ Request to ec-web and news-web Envoy with custom header "X-Opa-Secret" via Ingress

Expect 200 OK response.

curl -i -H 'Host: ec-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: ec-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/noproxy
curl -i -H 'Host: news-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: news-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/noproxy

❌ Request to ec-web and news-web Envoy without custom header "X-Opa-Secret" via Ingress

Expect 403 Forbidden response.

curl -i -H 'Host: ec-web.example.org' http://$(minikube ip)/noproxy
curl -i -H 'Host: news-web.example.org' http://$(minikube ip)/noproxy

✅ Request to /data of (ec|news)-backend from (ec|news)-web

Expect 200 OK response.

curl -i -H 'Host: ec-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: ec-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/data
curl -i -H 'Host: news-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: news-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/data

❌ Request to /admin of (ec|news)-backend from (ec|news)-web

Expect 403 Forbidden response.

curl -i -H 'Host: ec-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: ec-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/admin
curl -i -H 'Host: news-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: news-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/admin

❌ Request to /data of ec-backend from news-web

Expect 403 Forbidden response.

curl -i -H 'Host: news-web.example.org' -H 'X-Opa-Secret: news-web-secret' http://$(minikube ip)/ec-backend-data

7. Cleaning Up

kubectl delete -f spire-server.yaml
kubectl delete -f spire-agent.yaml
kubectl delete -f ec-backend.yaml
kubectl delete -f ec-web.yaml
kubectl delete -f news-backend.yaml
kubectl delete -f news-web.yaml

