- 3
- 2
Cannot override thermostat schedule
#35 opened by xlegs - 1
- 4
- 1
Add air quality sensor
#39 opened by meisanerd - 0
- 3
- 13
Missing ability to control Emergency/Aux heat
#25 opened by wirecuttr - 13
Install issues and missing device
#24 opened by wirecuttr - 4
- 0
Heat pump power consumption
#31 opened by wirecuttr - 4
Add support for DM97MC and DZ6VS
#18 opened by coolguyconnor - 13
- 1
integration doesn't load and reprots ValueError: 255 is not a valid DaikinOutdoorUnitReversingValveStatus
#11 opened by jensenc - 7
Just awesome
#5 opened by marcobe