=== Wordpress Tornado Warnings ===
Contributors: ZestyLabs
Donate link: http://warningweather.com/blog/donate/
Tags: weather, tornado, tornado warning, national weather service, widget, weather warnings
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag: 0.3.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Displays tornado warnings and mesodiscussions from the National Weather Service on your wordpress blog.

== Description ==

This plugin displays tornado warnings and mesodiscussions in the United States on your wordpress blog.  You can see a working example of this widget in action at <http://warningweather.com/blog>.

= Note =

This plugin makes calls to a remote server to gather the latest tornado warning data and mesodiscussions.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin

2. Activate Plugin

3. Put the tornado warnings widget where you want the tornado warnings to display on your wordpress site

4. Place the mesodiscussion widget where you want mesodiscussions to display on your Wordpress site

== Frequently asked questions ==

= Do you have tornado warnings for outside the United States? =
Not currently.

== Screenshots ==

1. The Widget As It Appears in A Wordpress Blog
2. The Widget in the Widgets Menu
3. A list of tornado warnings on a widget on a site.

== Changelog ==
= 0.3.1 =
* Added support for Wordpress 3.5

= 0.3 = 
* Added support to display mesodiscussions

= 0.24 =
* Additions for the Wordpress.org Plugin Directory
* Added a working site that you can look at
* Added a donate link

= 0.23 = 
* Small Bug Fixes

= 0.2 =
* Added Screenshots
* Added URL's for plugin to wordpress readme

= 0.1 =
* Added readme.txt to conform to wordpress.org standards

= 0.0 =
* was born

== Upgrade notice ==
= 0.3.1 = 
Support for Wordpress 3.5

= 0.3 = 
Added new features to display mesodiscussions in a new widget.

= 0.24 = 
Documentation and Wordpress.org updates

= 0.23 =
This update fixes some bugs.

= 0.2 =
This update is not necessary for performance and only adds screenshots and plugin URLs to the Wordpress.org site

= 0.1 =
This update adds some things to better comply with wordpress standards.