

Primary LanguagePython


CN 1: 在 gradle.properties 文件中中添加下面的代码: android.useAndroidX=true android.enableJetifier=true

2: 点击 Android Studio 导航条的 Refactor 中的 Migrate to androidx, 即可一键转为 androidX

3: 把 androidx-class-mapping.csv和 toAndroidX.py 拷贝到工程目录下。 执行 toAndroidX.py 文件。(如果不想在功能目录下,可以修改python中的目录)

EN 1: add code to gradle.properties: android.useAndroidX=true android.enableJetifier=true

2: in Android Studio Refactor->Migrate to androidx

3: copy androidx-class-mapping.csv and toAndroidX.py to project root direction, then run toAndroidX.py (if you donot copy to root direction, you can change something in toAndroidX.py)

"react": "16.8.3",
"react-native": "^0.59.4",
and more...