
A collection of patch sets for rvm to allow easy installation of my MRI patches for various ruby versions

Primary LanguageShell

RVM Patchsets for MRI-Ruby


Over time, I have developed a number of patches to MRI ruby which I use in all my projects. I maintain them using stgit. This repository provides them as patchsets for RVM.

They are also frequently merged into the main rvm repository, so usually you can use them directly after installing/updating rvm.


Step 1

To use the a recent version of the patchsets, just update rvm:

rvm get head # OR
rvm get stable

If rvm isn't update to date yet, or you can easily install them from this repository:

  • clone the repository to some convenient place
  • cd into the top level directory
  • run install.sh

This will automatically remove old versions of the patchsets.

Note: if you are using zsh you might experience problems. It seems that switching to bash fixes these (see skaes#20).

Step 2

Reinstall the rubies you want to patch:

rvm reinstall 1.9.3 --patch railsexpress
rvm reinstall 2.0.0 --patch railsexpress
rvm reinstall 2.1.0 --patch railsexpress
rvm reinstall 2.1.1 --patch railsexpress

Alternatively, you can pass the ruby version to reinstall to the install script:

./install.sh 1.9.3 2.0.0 2.1.0

IF you don't want to mess up your vanilla rubies, pass a -n flag to rvm when installing the patches:

rvm install 1.9.3 --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress
rvm install 2.0.0 --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress
rvm install 2.1.0 --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress
rvm install 2.1.1 --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress

This will then require you to specify the ruby version for rvm like so:

rvm use 2.1.1-railsexpress


The patches are for specific versions of ruby. They might work with later versions, but there's no guarantee. The following versions are currently supported:

1.9.3-p392  # outdated, please use 1.9.3-p545
1.9.3-p484  # outdated, please use 1.9.3-p545
1.9.3-p545  # current rvm default for MRI-ruby 1.9.3
2.0.0-p353  # outdated, please use 2.0.0-p451
2.0.0-p451  # current rvm default for MRI-ruby 2.0.0
2.1.0       # starting with 2.1.0, patchlevels are no longer used upstream

In order to make some patch level N the default for rvm, add the line(s)

# invalid for 2.1.x

to $rvm_path/user/db.

To enable heap dump support, pass the --enable-gcdebug option to the rvm install command.

rvm install 1.9.3 --patch railsexpress -n gcdebug -C --enable-gcdebug
rvm install 2.0.0 --patch railsexpress -n gcdebug -C --enable-gcdebug
# not yet available for 2.1.x

If rvm cannot configure your ruby, update your rvm install.

If you're like me and prefer to manage the libraries needed for installing ruby yourself, for example using MacPorts or HomeBrew, then you might need to tell the ruby compilation process where these libraries are:

rvm reinstall 1.9.3 --patch railsexpress -C --with-opt-dir=/opt/local

For up to date rvm installs, use the rvm autolib(s) feature.

Installing on Mountain Lion

If you want to install versions earlier than 1.9.3, you must install gcc-4.2.

With MacPorts, this is as easy as

sudo port install apple-gcc42
sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gcc-apple-4.2 /usr/bin/gcc-4.2

Additionally, when compiling ruby, you might need to set


Script install.sh will set CPPFLAGS automatically for you.

Using patches for ruby-branches

You can install more recent ruby versions from the ruby source repositories using rvm's branch install feature. Example:

rvm install 2.0.0-head --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress

You can then use it with the command

rvm use 2.0.0-head-railsexpress

On 2.1.0, you can install head similarly:

rvm install 2.1.0-head --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress

Patch Improvements

If you find problems with the patches, please do not send pull requests which patch patches. I will ignore these.

Instead, add new patches on top of the existing ones. Then they will have a chance.


All patches are provided without any warranty. Use at your own risk!
