Use Cmake on HC32F460 MCU

This tutorial is a sample of GPIO Output build with CMake.


  • MinGW 5.0
  • CMake 3.17.3
  • GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9 2020-q2-update



JetBrain Clion 2020.3

Worked feature

  • Build
  • Debug with Jlink
  • Show the value of registers when debug.

Know Issues

  1. "Reload changes" of Cmake doesn't works properly.

    We can't reload cmakeLists normally with click "Reload changes" directly after we changed CMakeLists.txt or *.cmake.


    The temporary solution is change the value of "CMake options" in Settings of Clion. Then, we can change back to the correct value. img_7.png img_5.png

  2. Printf doesn't work properly.