
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Wayland/Sway Setups

Update theme color with pywal for sway, terminal, kitty, btop and vim-airline

screenshot screenshot


  • Install pacman -S sway kitty dmenu grim mako slurp swayidle swaylock wallutils waybar xorg-xwayland brightnessctl pavucontrol ttf-roboto-mono
  • Install Nouveau: pacman -S mesa
  • Install polkit: pacman -S polkit-gnome
  • Install pywal: pacman -S python-pywal

Audio and Play

  • Install PulseAudio: pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-alsa
  • Install playerctl: pacman -S playerctl


  • Install pacman -S powerline-fonts zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git zsh-autosuggestions neofetch
  • Link zsh/p10k.zsh to $HOME/.p10k.zsh
  • Link zsh/zshrc_common to $HOME/.zshrc_common
  • Link zsh/zshrc to $HOME/.zshrc


  • Install pacman -S firewalld
  • Enable and start firewalld.service


  • Install pacman -S usbguard
  • Enable and start usbguard.service
  • Generate basic rule allowing all the currently connected devices: usbguard generate-policy >> /etc/usbguard/rules.conf
  • Restart USBGuard: systemctl restart usbguard

Ranger File Manager

  • Install pacman -S ranger poppler python-pillow
  • Link ranger to $HOME/.config/ranger


  • Link git/gitconfig to $HOME/.gitconfig-extra
  • Add the following to the .gitconfig file:
        path = .gitconfig-extra


  • Install: pacman -S btop
  • Copy over the btop dir to .config/btop
  • Call change_wallpaper.py once to generate custom theme.
  • Change theme to custom theme.


  • Install: pacman -S vim-airline powerline-fonts vim-fugitive
  • Link vim/vimrc to $HOME/.vimrc
  • Link vim/wal.vim to $HOME/.vim/autoload/airline/themes/wal.vim


  • Link local/bin/change_wallpaper.py to .local/bin/, and give execute permission
  • Put some wallpapers under $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers
  • Install TrackPointd for Thinkpads: https://github.com/zli117/TrackPointd
  • Install kmon: pacman -S kmon