
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to TaskTick, your go-to todo application designed to simplify task management. Built with the latest web technologies including Next.js, SCSS, Redux, MongoDB, and NextAuth, TaskTick provides a robust platform for users to create, edit, delete, and mark tasks as completed. It's an excellent project for beginners looking to get hands-on experience with these technologies.

Why TaskTick?

TaskTick stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an ideal starting point for those new to web development. By contributing to or using TaskTick, you'll gain practical experience with:

  • Building applications with Next.js
  • State management with Redux
  • Styling with SCSS
  • Authentication with NextAuth
  • Database management with MongoDB

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Environment Setup


  1. You need to get github auth token from your github account( in settings/developer settings/oAuth Apps)

  2. You need to get google auth token from your google account(https://console.cloud.google.com/apis)to Create OAuth client ID

  3. Is it hard? A youtube video(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNm1XhDjX1s) will help you, start from (0:25:39) Setup built-in OAuth Provider - (Google / GitHub).

  4. You need to get mongodb connection string from your mongodb account(https://www.mongodb.com/)

Welcome to TaskTick! TaskTick is an intuitive todo application designed to help you effortlessly manage your tasks. Built with the powerful Next.js framework and bootstrapped with create-next-app, TaskTick offers a seamless experience for creating, editing, deleting, and marking tasks as done. Our application incorporates SCSS for sleek styling, Redux for efficient state management, MongoDB for reliable data storage, and NextAuth for secure authentication.

Contributing to TaskTick

🌟 First off, thank you for considering contributing to TaskTick! 🌟

We're excited to welcome contributions from everyone. Whether you're fixing a bug, adding a new feature, or improving our documentation, every contribution is valuable.

How to Contribute

Reporting Bugs

  • Use the GitHub Issues tracker to report bugs. Please check existing issues to ensure the bug has not already been reported
  • When creating a bug report, be as specific as possible. Include steps to reproduce the issue, the expected outcome, and the actual result.

Suggesting Enhancements

  • For feature requests or enhancements, use the GitHub Issues tracker to create a new issue.
  • Describe the suggested feature in detail, including how it should work and its potential benefits to TaskTick.

Pull Requests

  • Fork the repository and create your branch from main. Install dependencies and ensure the project runs locally on your machine.
  • Follow the coding standards and guidelines provided in this document.
  • Write clear, descriptive commit messages and include relevant issue numbers if applicable.
  • Open a pull request with a detailed title and description, explaining what the PR does and why.
  • Respond to any feedback on your pull request.

Coding Standards

  • Write code in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Follow existing code conventions and styles.
  • Use meaningful variable and function names.
  • Include comments where necessary to explain complex logic.

Getting Started

  • Ensure you have Node.js and npm/yarn installed.
  • Clone the project and install dependencies using npm install or yarn install.
  • Check the README for instructions on how to run the development server.


If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out by creating an issue in the GitHub repository. We'll do our best to respond promptly.

Thank You!

Your contributions to TaskTick make a significant impact on the project and the broader developer community. We appreciate your efforts to help improve and grow TaskTick.