
A quote database implemented entirely in shell.

Primary LanguagePHP


A quote database implemented entirely in shell, written by zli5t and lietk12. This project is hosted at http://github.com/zli5t/ShellQDB.


ShellQDB is, as the name says, a quote database (for IRC channels and the like) coded in shell scripts for flexibility and extensibility (however, the web frontend also uses html and php, and various import or export scripts have other dependencies). It's currently under development. It started when the good people at #pctyd on irc.foonetic.net wanted a qdb, and both zli5t and lietk12 despised rash and other such systems. So we coded this! Enjoy!

A similar but inferior project using a similar method is at: http://scalar.cluenet.org/~fastlizard4/quotes.php

What is our rationale for using shell scripts?

  • MySQL-based QDBs have a dependency external things. If you need one, but you are on a server without MySQL, you can't use the QDB. If you connect to an external one and it encounters downtime, your QDB temporarily fails.
  • Having a bash-based QDB ensures almost complete universality: it works natively on unix-based systems, OS X, and Cygwin/msys on Windows.
  • Bash tools are fast, lightweight, and excellent in handling text (sed, grep, and awk come to mind).
  • The Unix Philosophy is great.


Feel free to help out in writing ShellQDB! You can write code, test it out, request features, report bugs, or help with documentation. The best way to get started is to join us on our irc channel: #shellQDB at irc.foonetic.net .

Our github project page is at [http://github.com/zli5t/ShellQDB]; our CIA.vc stats page is at [http://cia.vc/stats/project/ShellQDB]


So far, we're providing this as a Public Duty and a way to scratch an itch. You are not required to do anything to use or modify or distribute this code, but we do ask that you link back to our github page. We are not liable for anything that happens to anything you care about.


Extensive documentation can be found on the wiki; the various scripts also have descriptions of what they do and how they're typically used. Miscellaneous documentation not found elsewhere is provided below.

Misc. Usages

Just some notes on stuff that doesn't yet belong elsewhere:

  • searching for a quote with a specific keyword/regex

    grep/sed for your quote here | outq/html
  • editing quotes

    . lockq
    awk -F:: 'if blah{do blah;print;}' <quotes >quotes.temp
    mv quotes.temp quotes
    . ulockq

This readme will be updated as development progresses. Remember to comment on what your scary sed/awk strings mean (or at least what your programs do)! It is better to over-comment than to under-comment.

Notes on Files/Folders

outq (output/export quote): a directory of formatters for various formats (e.g. html). Run scripts by referring to them in terms of the directory of config (e.g. "outq/fortune/makefortune").

inq (import quote): a directory of tools for importing quotes from various other formats. Look at the READMEs in the corresponding directories for usage.

utils (utilities): a directory of miscellaneous tools; some filters and scripts for automating certain tasks are here.

html: the web frontend.

quotes: the default file for holding quotes.

config: a list of paths for various files. The defaults are good enough.