Successive Approximation Register (SAR) ADC Digital Calibration
This Code part contains:
An executable file (Run_SAR_ccliu.m) to auto-test the ADC model and output its dynamic performance and also the averaging energy consumption.
Behavioral Model file (SAR_ccliu.m) of a popular SAR ADC architecture proposed by Liu et al. [1].
Fast Fourier Transfromation (FFT) file (SNR_ADC.m) to test the dynamic performance of the SAR ADC beharvioral model.
Hodiewindow function file (hodiewindow.m) which is needed for doing the FFT.
Err_compare function file (err_compare.m) to emulate the decision error occurs in the SAR process.
Behavioral Model file (SAR_conventional.m) of the conventional SAR ADC architecture in [1], newly uploaded by Whove.
Behavioral Model file (SAR_ccliu_10b_rd.m) of redundant algorithm proposed in [3].
Full adder function file (full_adder.m) to implement the full-adder.
Behavioral Model file (SAR_JSSC_shen.m, Flash_JSSC_shen.m and SAR_JSSC_shen_10repeat.m) of the SAR algorithm Shen et al. presented in [4].
Decimal to Binary function file (decimal2binary.m) to implement decimal to binary conversion.
Behavioral Model file (SAR_project18_10repeat.m) of the same SAR algorithm as [4] but changes to an 18-bit SAR ADC.
See the PDF file (Proposed SAR ADC.pdf). It well explains the "Charge Redistribution Theory" of the proposed ADC architecture in [1].
And for the split structure in [2], see figure below:
The redundant is a design method for mitigating the effect of decision error occurs in SAR ADC. The decision error is a settling problem during the charge redistribution. (for more info, please refer to Liu et al. [3].)
The implementation of the redundant in a 10-b SAR ADC is like this:
[1]: Liu et al. - 2010 - A 10-bit 50-MSs SAR ADC with a monotonic capacitor switching procedure.
[2]: Yoshioka et al. - 2010 - A 10-b 50-MSs 820-μW SAR ADC with on-chip digital calibration
[3]: Liu et al. - 2010 - A 10b 100MSs 1.13mW SAR ADC with binary-scaled error compensation
[4]: Shen et al. - 2017 - A 16-bit 16MS s SAR ADC with On-Chip Calibration in 55nm CMOS
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