ehetuan-api is a django backend for angular 5 website
python 3.6.2 django 2.0
Open a command line window, cd to rdshop-api folder, and create a py3 virtual environment folder:
> cd ehetuan-api
> python -m venv py3
If you have both python2.7 and python3.6 in your machine, use python3
> cd ehetuan-api
> python3 -m venv py3
When you are going to install python libraries, you need to activate virtual env first.
For Windows:
activate virtual env (Windows):
> cd rdshop-api
> py3/Scripts/activate.bat
Deactivate virtual env (Windows):
> py3/Scripts/deactivate.bat
For Linux/Mac:
activate virtual env (Linux/Mac):
> cd py3
> . py3/bin/activate
Deactivate virtual env (Linux/Mac):
> . py3/bin/deactivate
Before this step make sure you have install the mysql mysql, connector and mysql-dev.
For Linux:
> yum install mysql-server mysql-client mysql-dev
Go to mysql official and download connector and install, you must install this connector before install mysqlclient
> export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you cannot install mysqlclient with pip install, Install mysqlclient with python wheel file. You should be able to google and find suitable wheel file.
To create database, open mysql shell and issue command:
mysql -u <your mysql username> -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE ehetuan CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
mysql> CREATE USER 'mydbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypasswd';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'mydbuser'@'localhost';
Create a .config.json file, change username and password of your mysql and place under the rdshop-api's parent folder with following content:
> cd ehetuan-api
> python3 makemigrations account commerce
> python3 migrate
In mysql workbench run the scripts under sql-scripts/location.sql
> python3 createsuperuser --username admin
> cd rdshop-api
> python3 runserver
Open a browser, type http://localhost:8000/admin in address bar, and use admin credential you just created to login admin page.