
如何找回Git删除的提交。Learn Git to find out the removed commit.



中文: 如何找回Git删除的提交

  1. Clone一下这个仓库,下面教你找回代码. origin url
  1. 找一找哪一个是代码删除之前的提交
git log
  1. 把git的HEAD头指向之前代码还在的hash
git reset 45ac382f --hard
  1. 哈哈,现在你找回来了

English: Learn Git: Restore the commit which has already removed

It's only a demo. I don't have the source code.

  1. Clone this repository. origin url
  1. Seek the commit before remove
git log
  1. Set Head to the commit before remove
git reset 45ac382f --hard
  1. Now you get the origin code