
Universal esp8266 gpio control. Web gui, uri control.

Primary LanguageC++


Universal GPIO control.

Main features:

  • Easy enable control to all aviable GPIO
  • Easy configure WiFi
  • WEB update
  • Light integrate Web GUI

Like this


Any esp8266 board.

  • FOR WEB update required minimum 1mb (8Mbit) board Arduino 1.6.8 or earlier.

Š”onfigured for use esp8266 board Arduino esp8266

Install Sketch data upload How to install


First upload data to spifs. (data folder - 2 files)

Configure use GPIO in sketch.

*Edit part marked // --- CONFIG --- //

int gpio[] = {0, 2};   // GPIO list to control
int gpiostat[] = {1, 0};  // Default status of GPIO on start - 0 disabled, 1 - enabled
int gpio_count = 2;  // total count of GPIO used

Upload sketch to esp8266.

Now open in browser IP you'r esp (If esp in AP mode, this else any ip from you'r network) and controll pressing buttons OR you can use direct URL request to control like this:

###http://IP_ESP/gpio?gpio={gpio}&status={on|off} *status - not required, if not set status switch