
A JavaScript library to shuffle the text content of a DOM element with an animated effect.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

build npm version Coverage Status License: MIT


A JavaScript library to shuffle the text content of a DOM element with an animated effect.

NOTE: This library is a port to vanilla JavaScript of the Shuffle Letters Effect jQuery plugin.


Check here for a live demo.


$ npm install shuffle-letters --save


The library is exported in UMD, CommonJS, and ESM formats. You can import it the following ways:

Using ESM import statement

import shuffleLetters from 'shuffle-letters';

Using CommonJS require statement

const shuffleLetters = require('shuffle-letters');

// If you use a bundler like Webpack, you may need to import it the following way 
// as it might try to use the ESM module instead of the CommonJS.
const shuffleLetters = require('shuffle-letters').default;

Old school browser global

<script src="https://unpkg.com/shuffle-letters"></script>


shuffleLetters(element, [config])


Param Type Default Description
element HTMLElement The HTML element whose textContent we want to apply the shuffle effect.
[config] object {} Configurable object to override the default options.
[config.text] string "''" Alternative text that can be used instead of the textContent of the element.
[config.iterations] number 8 The number of times the characters will be shuffled before the animation ends.
[config.fps] number 30 The amount of frames per second that the animation runs.
[config.onComplete] function () => void A callback function that is called when the animation of the effect is complete.

Returns: function - Returns a function that when called, it clears the timeoutID which identifies the timer created by the call to setTimeout() that is used internally for the shuffle effect. Useful for cleanup purposes, for example when you want to remove the element before the animation is completed.

Usage examples

Example 1 - Default options


<h1>This is a funcy title</h1>



Example 2 - Custom options


<h1>This is a funcy title</h1>


shuffleLetters(document.querySelector('h1'), {
  text: 'Yet another funcy title',
  iterations: 12,
  fps: 60,
  onComplete: el => {
    console.log('Effect was completed.');

Example 3 - Shuffle many elements


  <li>List item 1</li>
  <li>List item 2</li>
  <li>List item 3</li>
  <li>List item 4</li>


const list = document.querySelector('ul');
const listItems = list.querySelectorAll('li');

Array.prototype.forEach.call(listItems, (element, index) => {
  shuffleLetters(element, {
    onComplete: elm => {
      if (index === listItems.length - 1) {
        console.log('All effects were completed');

Example 4 - Cleanup


<h1>This is a funcy title</h1>


  const clearShuffleLetters = shuffleLetters(document.querySelector('h1'), {
    iterations: 200
  // Cleanup after 1 second
  setTimeout(() => clearShuffleLetters(), 1000);


The MIT License (MIT)