
Setup a RaspberryPi to work as a VPN https://pivpn.io/


  1. Upgrade pip
    python3 -m install --upgrade pip
  2. Install ansible
    python3 -m install --user ansible

macOS Specific

  1. Add Python imported console scripts to your path
    echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/Library/Python/3.8/bin" >> ~/.zshenv
  2. Install homebrew
  3. Install sshpass
    brew install esolitos/ipa/sshpass

Initial Setup

  1. Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite
  2. Connect Raspberry Pi to ethernet cable, monitor, keyboard, and mouse
  3. Log into Raspberry Pi using default username pi and password raspberry
  4. Run these commands to enable and start ssh
    sudo sytemctl enable ssh
    sudo systemctl start ssh
  5. Now you can logout and disconnect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse - everything else will be done remotely

VPN Setup