
Chrome URLs and what they do

Chrome URLs

Chrome URLs and what they do



URL Description
chrome://about Display all Chrome URLs
chrome://accessibility Control panel to enable/disable Chrome Accessibility features
chrome://appcache-internals Display information about application cache
chrome://apps Displays all of your Chrome Apps
chrome://autofill-internals Display captured autofill logs
chrome://blob-internals Displays BLOB (Binary large objects) analytics
chrome://bluetooth-internals Display Bluetooth adapter, devices, and debug logs
chrome://bookmarks Bookmarks manager
chrome://chrome-urls Display all Chrome URLs
chrome://components Display all Chrome components with an update button for each
chrome://conflicts Display all modules loaded into the browser and renderer processes and modules registered to load at a later point
chrome://conversion-internals Display conversion measurement API internals
chrome://crashes Display details of recent crashes
chrome://credits Display list of credits for packages included as part of Chrome
chrome://device-log Display history of device connections (e.g., USB, Bluetooth)
chrome://dino Play jumping dinosaur game
chrome://discards Display status of all open tabs
chrome://download-internals Utility for testing connectivity to sites
chrome://downloads Display all downloads
chrome://extensions Display all installed extensions
chrome://flags Control panel to enable/disable experimental features
chrome://gcm-internals Display info about Google Cloud Messaging usage
chrome://gpu Display details about your GPU and hardware acceleration
chrome://help Display About page
chrome://histograms Display statistics accumulated from browser startup to previous page load
chrome://history Display browsing history
chrome://indexeddb-internals Display storage instances of Chrome IndexedDB
chrome://inspect Developer tools for various elements
chrome://interstitials Display list of Chrome warning messages
chrome://invalidations Display debug information about service handlers
chrome://local-state Local state debug page
chrome://management Display enterprise management status of Chrome
chrome://media-engagement Displays media playback details
chrome://media-internals Display audio/visual playback sessions and webcam information
chrome://nacl Display information about Chrome NaCl plugin (Native Client)
chrome://net-export Network capture log utility
chrome://net-internals Control panel for network settings
chrome://network-errors Display network error pages
chrome://newtab Opens a new tab
chrome://new-tab-page-third-party Opens a new tab with with site links
chrome://ntp-tiles-internals Displays sources for site links on chrome://new-tab-page-third-party page
chrome://omnibox Debug page for Chrome Omnibar (URL bar)
chrome://password-manager-internals Display captured password manager logs
chrome://policy Displays active policies
chrome://predictors Displays auto-complete and resource predictions with user text, hit/miss count, and confidence rating
chrome://prefs-internals Display Chrome settings as JSON
chrome://print Display print dialog box in a tab
chrome://process-internals Display running websites and frame information
chrome://quota-internals Display disk space usage and availability
chrome://safe-browsing Display details about Chrome Safe Browsing activity (https://safebrowsing.google.com/)
chrome://sandbox Display sandbox status information
chrome://serviceworker-internals Display JavaScript Service Worker installation details
chrome://settings Settings page
chrome://signin-internals Display details of account activity
chrome://site-engagement Display site engagement statistics based on browser activity
chrome://sync-internals Display details about sync status
chrome://system Display system diagnostic data
chrome://terms Display Google Chrome and Chrome OS Additional Terms of Service
chrome://tracing Utility for performing various traces
chrome://translate-internals Display the translations preferences and detection logs
chrome://ukm Display UKM (URL-keyed metrics) debug page
chrome://usb-internals Display USB device connectivity
chrome://user-actions Display recent user actions
chrome://version Display detailed version information
chrome://web-app-internals Display installed webapp information as JSON
chrome://webrtc-internals Utility to enable diagnostic audio and packet/event captures
chrome://webrtc-logs Display WebRTC logs

Additional Debugging URLs

  • chrome://badcastcrash/
  • chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/
  • chrome://crash/
  • chrome://crashdump/
  • chrome://kill/
  • chrome://hang/
  • chrome://shorthang/
  • chrome://gpuclean/
  • chrome://gpucrash/
  • chrome://gpuhang/
  • chrome://memory-exhaust/
  • chrome://memory-pressure-critical/
  • chrome://memory-pressure-moderate/
  • chrome://ppapiflashcrash/
  • chrome://ppapiflashhang/
  • chrome://inducebrowserheapcorruption/
  • chrome://heapcorruptioncrash/
  • chrome://quit/
  • chrome://restart/