
An Amazon-storefront like that tracks, updates, add inventory using Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Assignment for week 12 of Rutgers Coding Bootcamp. The main goal was to incoperate Node.js and Mysql to create an Amazon-like store.

Technologies used

###Built with

  • Sublime Text - Text Editor
  • MySQLWorkbench
  • Terminal/Gitbash

###Getting Started ####What each javascript does

###1. BamazonCustomer.js

  • Prints the products in the store.

  • Prompts customer which product they would like to purchase by ID number.

  • Asks for the quantity.

  • If there is a sufficient amount of the product in stock, it will return the total for that purchase. However, if there is not enough of the product in stock, it will tell the user that there isn't enough of the product.

  • If the purchase goes through, it updates the stock quantity to reflect the purchase. It will also update the product sales in the department table.


  • Starts with a menu: -View Products for Sale -View Low Inventory -Add to Inventory -Add New Product -End Session

  • If the manager selects View Products for Sale, it lists all of the products in the store including all of their details.

  • If the manager selects View Low Inventory, it'll list all the products with less than five items in its StockQuantity column.

  • If the manager selects Add to Inventory, it allows the manager to select a product and add inventory.

  • If the manager selects Add New Product, it allows the manager to add a new product to the store.

  • If the manager selects End Session, it ends the session and doesn't go back to the menu.


  • Starts with a menu: -View Product Sales by Department -Create New Department -End Session

  • If the manager selects View Product Sales by Department, it lists the Department Sales and calculates the total sales from the
    overhead cost and product sales.

  • If the manager selects Create New Department, it allows the manager to create a new department and input current overhead costs and
    product sales. If there are none, by default it will set at 0.

  • If the manager selects End Session, it ends the session and doesn't go back to the menu.

###BamazonCustomer.js ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/customerpurchase.jpg)

###BamazonManager.js ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/managermenu.jpg) Low Inventory ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/managerlowinventory.jpg) Add product ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/managerewproduct.jpg) Update item ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/manageraddsuccess.jpg)


Main menu ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/executivemenu.jpg) View Departments ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/executiveview.jpg) Add Departments ![Alt Text] (https://github.com/zlouis/Bamamazon/blob/master/assets/images/executivedept.jpg)