
A simple configuration file parser implemented by C

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c_conf - A simple configuration file parser implemented by C

c_conf is a simple configuration file parser implemented by C. Configuration file example:

# comments

# [] will be ignore
# bool value
is_daemon no


# memory size
max_memory 1G

# time duration
timeout 10m5s

# string
log_path /tmp/logs.txt

Usage example:

#include "conf_parse.h"

 * 配置项数据结构
struct my_conf {
    int is_daemon;
    long max_memory;
    char log_path[100];

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    static struct my_conf conf;
    struct my_conf *pconf = &conf;

    parse_command_t commands[] = {

        // CONF_CMD_BEGIN(),可选的

        // 设置 is_daemon 配置项为 bool 类型,默认值为 yes
        // yes -> 1, no -> 0
        CONF_CMD_BOOL(pconf, is_daemon, "yes",
                      "set to 'yes' to run as daemon, 'no' to run at frontend"),

        // 设置 max_memory 配置项为 字节 类型,默认值为 10Mib
        // 最终 max_meory=10*1024*1024
        CONF_CMD_MEM(pconf, max_memory, "10M",
                     "the maximum memory that this program consume."),

        // 设置 log_path 配置项为 字符串 类型,默认值为 /tmp/log.txt
        CONF_CMD_STR(pconf, log_path, "/tmp/log.txt",
                     "the logging output file"),

        // CONF_CMD_END() 必须最后

    /* 应用默认值 */
    if (conf_init(commands) < 0) {
        printf("conf_init return -1\n");
        return -1;

    /* 使用环境变量覆盖值,会忽略大小写 */
    if (conf_parse_env(commands) < 0) {
        printf("conf_parse_env return -1\n");
        return -1;

    // const char *file = "/tmp/conf.ini";
    const char *file = NULL;
    /* 使用配置文件覆盖默认值 */
    if (file && conf_parse_file(commands, file) < 0) {
        printf("conf_parse_file return -1\n");
        // 文件可能不能存在,也是可以接受的,使用默认值或命令参数

    /* 使用 argc, argv 覆盖默认值 */
    if (conf_parse_args(commands, argc, argv) < 0) {
        printf("conf_parse_args return -1\n");
        return -1;

    /* 打印配置参数 */
    conf_print_usage(stdout, commands);

    /* 打印最终配置值 */
    conf_print_conf(stdout, commands);

    // 使用配置项

    printf("is_daemon: %d\n", conf.is_daemon);

    return 0;