
Another User Agent detect library, but powerful.

MIT LicenseMIT


Another User Agent detect library, but powerful.

We will provide below features:

  1. Up-To-Date UA library --- we will fetch the new user agent and make our UA library most up-to-date and most comprehensive.
  2. Config To Code --- most basic detect method are created by ua config, just add new config to support new UA detect.
  3. Powerful toolkit --- we provide helper for Rails, Sinatra framework, and others to help you quickly complete your logic.
  4. Cache Support --- To make our detect more fast, we provide a basic cache system inside library.
  5. Customize UA --- Although we provide a most comprehensive UA library, if you find some UA not detect correct, just customize it in your project before provide patch for the library.
  6. Migrate Helper --- I Known you are use other UA detect library now, we provide helper for migrate from other popular library.