Sample Movie Database application with Haskell backend
Feel free to copy this example and use hasbolt as you with :)
To build the project just clone it and run build command by stack:
git clone
cd hasbolt-sample-app
stack build
PORT=8080 stack exec hasbolt-sample-app-exe
To deploy on Heroku just follow these steps:
export app=neo4j-movies-haskell-`whoami`
heroku apps:create $app
# Add neo4j addon and make it available from application
heroku addons:add graphenedb:chalk --app $app
# Set Haskell Stack buildpack
heroku buildpacks:set
# deploy to heroku
git push heroku master
# open application
heroku open --app $app
# open addon admin page
heroku addons:open graphenedb
In the Graphenedb-UI use “Launch Neo4j Admin UI”. In the Neo4j-Browser import the :play movies
Here I use static jQuery html from movies-python-bolt and the same API.
Http backend uses Scotty web framework. To store the internal state with connection pool I use a ReaderT monad transformer.
First, we need to create a connection pool to out Neo4j database (source):
-- |A pool of connections to Neo4j server
data ServerState = ServerState { pool :: Pool Pipe }
-- |Reader monad over IO to store connection pool
type WebM = ReaderT ServerState IO
To create new connection pool we use connect :: BoltCfg -> IO Pipe
and close :: Pipe -> IO ()
functions from hasbolt to tell resource-pool how to create a new connection and how to close one (source):
-- |Create pool of connections (4 stripes, 500 ms timeout, 1 resource per stripe)
constructState :: BoltCfg -> IO ServerState
constructState bcfg = do pool <- createPool (connect bcfg) close 4 500 1
return (ServerState pool)
After we created a representation of our server state, we can create a simple server on given port (source):
runServer :: Port -> BoltCfg -> IO ()
runServer port config = do state <- constructState config
scottyT port (`runReaderT` state) $ do
middleware logStdoutDev
get "/" mainR
get "/graph" graphR
get "/search" searchR
get "/movie/:title" movieR
Here we construct a new state by constrictState :: BoltCfg -> ServerState
function from hardcoded default configuration and set routes. Let's implement these routes.
First of all we need to respond with static index.html on "/" route (source):
-- |Main page route
mainR :: ActionT Text WebM ()
mainR = file "index.html"
On a search request we get a text "q" parameter and perform a movie search, then respond it as json (source):
-- |Search response route
searchR :: ActionT Text WebM ()
searchR = do q <- param "q" :: ActionT Text WebM Text
results <- runQ $ querySearch (toStrict q)
json results
A movie select is quick and unsafe way to get a json with movie info by it's exact title (source):
-- |Movie response route
movieR :: ActionT Text WebM ()
movieR = do t <- param "title" :: ActionT Text WebM Text
movieInfo <- runQ $ queryMovie (toStrict t)
json movieInfo
At last we have to return a graph of movies and actors (source):
-- |Graph response route
graphR :: ActionT Text WebM ()
graphR = do limit <- param "limit" `rescue` const (return 100)
graph <- runQ $ queryGraph limit
json graph
TODO: Uninteresting JSON data serialization (source).
To run queries we need to get a connection pool, get one Pipe
and do a request by this pipe. All of this in the runQ
function (source):
-- |Run BOLT action in scotty 'ActionT' monad transformer
runQ :: BoltActionT IO a -> ActionT Text WebM a
runQ act = do ss <- lift ask
liftIO $ withResource (pool ss) (`run` act)
See comments in the code to understand the query functions.
Search (source):
-- |Search movie by title pattern
querySearch :: Text -> BoltActionT IO [Movie]
querySearch q = do records <- queryP cypher params -- get record list by cypher query and params
nodes <- traverse (`at` "movie") records -- from each record get only "movie" field
traverse toMovie nodes -- serialize movies to jsonable data
where cypher = "MATCH (movie:Movie) WHERE movie.title =~ {title} RETURN movie"
params = fromList [("title", T $ "(?i).*" <> q <> ".*")]
Movie (source):
-- |Returns movie by title
queryMovie :: Text -> BoltActionT IO MovieInfo
queryMovie title = do result <- head <$> queryP cypher params -- get first record from received record list by cypher query and params
T title <- result `at` "title" -- get movie title as text (you also can use exact function here)
L members <- result `at` "cast" -- get movie cast as list
cast <- traverse toCast members -- serialize cast to jsonable data
return $ MovieInfo title cast -- serialize all to json object
where cypher = "MATCH (movie:Movie {title:{title}}) " <>
"OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[r]-(person:Person) " <>
"RETURN movie.title as title," <>
"collect([, " <>
" head(split(lower(type(r)), '_')), r.roles]) as cast " <>
params = fromList [("title", T title)]
Graph (source):
-- |Returns movies with all it's actors
queryGraph :: Int -> BoltActionT IO MGraph
queryGraph limit = do records <- queryP cypher params -- get first record from received record
nodeTuples <- traverse toNodes records -- convert records to list of tuples (movie, [actors])
let movies = fst <$> nodeTuples -- get list of movies
let actors = nub $ concatMap snd nodeTuples -- get list of actors
let actorIdx = fromJust . (`lookup` zip actors [0..]) -- some magic here to obtain relations
let modifyTpl (m, as) = (m, actorIdx <$> as)
let indexMap = fromList $ modifyTpl <$> nodeTuples
let mkTuples (m, t) = (`MRel` t) <$> indexMap ! m
let relations = concatMap mkTuples $ zip movies [length actors..]
return $ MGraph (actors <> movies) relations -- serialize all to json object
where cypher = "MATCH (m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person) " <>
"RETURN m.title as movie, collect( as cast " <>
"LIMIT {limit}"
params = fromList [("limit", I limit)]