
MSX1 game Subcommander

Primary LanguageAssembly


A ship sinking game for one or two players.

Requirements for ROM version: MSX1 with 16Kb RAM Requirements for Disk version: MSX1 with 64Kb RAM

Optional cartridge Sony HBI-55 will allow you to save high score table

Game was developed for a 50Hz machine


Control your submarine and sink as many ships as possible. You can fire up to 4 torpedoes at the same time. They will slowly accelerate and will take some time to reload. There is a layer of indestructible obstacles (plastic floatsome) which will destroy your torpedoes and provide no points. Sunk ships provide more points the higher they are. Exceptions are:

  • high priority target (red mark) which yields double points

  • civilian target (green mark) which will deduct you 999 points

Ships also drop mines. If you get hit you will loose 555 points and be disabled for a few seconds.

Special keys:

STOP - pause the game

CTRL+STOP - end game and return to main screen


Game is freely available for play and non-commerical distribution.


Gameplay video - https://youtu.be/-2Q6cSR2f_w

Downloads - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Av9g--Caxs7ohWLpwqdIwLne8pU1?e=q86vN0

Arkos Tracker - https://www.julien-nevo.com/arkostracker/

ZX Origins - https://damieng.com/typography/zx-origins/

Sony HBI-55 - https://www.msx.org/wiki/Sony_HBI-55


Programming and Graphics - Zoran Majcenić

Music - Fenyx Kell

Sound Player - ATL

Font - Damien Guard

Zoran Majcenić zoran.majcenic@hotmail.com