
Angular wrapper for slipjs library.

Primary LanguageHTML


A simple AngularJS wrapper for the slipjs library.

This is a wrapper for Slip.js, original library (and documentation) available here: https://github.com/pornel/slip.

Thanks so much to Kornel for this great library.

Looking at the live examples is a great way to get started with this.

Why use angular-slip?

Why would you want to use angular-slip over the other AngularJS drag and drop lists?

  • Complete and small
  • Works on mobile devices
  • Minimal dependencies and requires no specific CSS.
  • Data-model agnostic, you get the events you need to update your own data-model.



Install via Bower (or clone/download the github repo).

bower install --save angular-slip


Include dependencies in your HTML:

<script src="bower_components/slip/slip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-slip/angular-slip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

When you define your AngularJS app module, make a dependency on slip:

angular.module('app', [ 'slip' ])

In your AngularJS controller define your data model and attach it to the controller's scope:

$scope.myList = [
	"Item 1",
	"Item 2",
	"Item 3",

Add the slip-list class to your list:

<ol class="slip-list">

As an alternative use the slip-list attribute:

<ol slip-list>

Use ng-repeat to populate the list from your data model:

<ol class="slip-list">
	<li ng-repeat="item in myList">

Lastly you need to add various event handlers to update your data model in response to swipes and reorders.

Event handlers are specified as attributes on your list element as follows:

    slip-after-swipe="afterSwipe($event, $index)"
    slip-reorder="reorder($event, $spliceIndex, $originalIndex)"
	<li ng-repeat="item in myList">

You'll to define functions on your controller's scope to handle the events.

afterSwipe is invoked after a list item has been swiped out of the list. In response to this we should remove the item from the data model:

$scope.afterSwipe = function (e, itemIndex) {
	$scope.myList.splice(itemIndex, 1);

reorder is invoke after a list item has changed location in the list. In response to this we should move the item in the data-model:

$scope.reorder = function (e, spliceIndex, originalIndex) {
	var listItem = $scope.myList[originalIndex];
	$scope.myList.splice(originalIndex, 1);
	$scope.myList.splice(spliceIndex, 0, listItem);
    return true;


This is derived from the original work and updated to reflect the workings of the AngularJS wrapper.

General Arguments

  • $event The original input event.
  • $index Index of the affected item.


When reordering movement starts.

Element being reordered gets class slip-reordering.

If you execute $event.preventDefault() then element will not move at all.


Fired before first swipe movement starts.

If you execute $event.preventDefault() then element will not move at all.


If you execute $event.preventDefault() then reordering will begin immediately, blocking ability to scroll the page.


When swipe has been done and user has lifted finger off the screen.

If you execute $event.preventDefault() the element will be animated back to original position.

Otherwise it will be animated off the list and set to display:none.


When element was tapped without being swiped/reordered.


Fired when the user stops dragging and the element returns to its original position.


Element has been dropped in new location.

Special Arguments

  • $spliceIndex Index of element before which current element has been dropped, not counting the element iself.
  • $originalIndex Index that specifies the original location of the list item before it was dragged.



Example web apps can be found under the examples directory.

To run this either clone this repo or download the zip. Then run a HTTP server in the main directory. Then point your browser at any of the following URLs:

Please adjust the port number to that specified by your HTTP server.

Live Examples

The examples are also available live (thanks to github pages).