
已更新到 Pixijs v6.x ,历史版本请到releases下载

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FairyGUI for PIXI.js

  • 适用于 PIXI.js v6.x

该库是基于 https://github.com/jcyuan/FairyGUI-PixiJS 修改而来.



  • 运行npm install 安装依赖
  • 运行npm run build 开始构建
  • 你将会在bin目录下找到发行版版本





class Main extends PIXI.Application {

    public constructor() {

        let view = document.querySelector("#canvasContainer canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;

        super({ view: view, backgroundColor: 0xb5b5b5, antialias: true, forceCanvas:false });

        /**global settings */
        fgui.UIConfig.defaultFont = "Microsoft YaHei";
        fgui.UIConfig.verticalScrollBar = "ui://test/ScrollBar_VT";
        fgui.UIConfig.horizontalScrollBar = "ui://test/ScrollBar_HZ";
        fgui.UIConfig.popupMenu = "ui://test/PopupMenu";
        fgui.UIConfig.globalModalWaiting = "ui://test/GlobalModalWaiting";
        fgui.UIConfig.windowModalWaiting = "ui://test/WindowModalWaiting";

        //main entry
        fgui.GRoot.inst.attachTo(this, {
            designWidth: 1136,
            designHeight: 640,
            scaleMode: fgui.StageScaleMode.FIXED_AUTO,
            orientation: fgui.StageOrientation.LANDSCAPE,
            alignV: fgui.StageAlign.TOP,
            alignH: fgui.StageAlign.LEFT

        //start to preload resource
        //test.jpg actually is a binary file but just ends with fake postfix. so here we need to specify the loadType etc.
        let loader = new fgui.utils.AssetLoader();
        loader.add("test", "images/test.jpg", { loadType: PIXI.loaders.Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR, xhrType: PIXI.loaders.Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER })
            .add("test@atlas0", "images/test@atlas0.png")
            .add("test@atlas0_1", "images/test@atlas0_1.png")
            .add("test@atlas0_2", "images/test@atlas0_2.png")
            .on("progress", this.loadProgress, this)
            .on("complete", this.resLoaded, this)

    private loadProgress(loader: PIXI.loaders.Loader): void {
        let p = loader.progress;
        if (p >= 100) {
            loader.off("progress", this.loadProgress, this);
            //this.loadingView = null;

    private resLoaded(loader: PIXI.loaders.Loader): void {

        fgui.UIPackage.addPackage("test");  //add your package built in the editor
        let ins = fgui.UIPackage.createObject("test", "main") as fgui.GComponent;   //create an object to display
        ins.setSize(fgui.GRoot.inst.width, fgui.GRoot.inst.height);     //add relation so that it will be auto resized when the window size is changed.
        ins.addRelation(fgui.GRoot.inst, fgui.RelationType.Size);
        fgui.GRoot.inst.addChild(ins);   //show it


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