Rails 4 generator which allows to scaffold admin controllers, views with proper (non-namespaced) models, helpers, tests and routes
- Add
gem 'rails-admin-scaffold', 'x.x.x'
to your Gemfile - Run
bundle install
- Create admin scaffold with e. g.
bin/rails g admin:scaffold_controller Post title:string content:text published:boolean
Put the '_form.html.erb.erb', 'edit.html.erb.erb', 'index.html.erb.erb', 'new.html.erb.erb', 'show.html.erb.erb' into '/lib/templates/admin/scaffold_controller/views/erb/'
Then the generator will use those templates to generate scaffold.
Type your command with option --prefix_name=xxxx.
If you want change the prefix name 'admin' to 'manager'
e. g. bin/rails g admin:scaffold_controller Post title:string content:text published:boolean --prefix_name=manager
- Rails 4 only
- Rails default generators (erb, test::unit)
- Haml (if haml is used for views generation)
- Jbuilder (if jbuilder is installed for the project)
add haml suppurtadd jbuilder supportimprove testsuse travis for ci- add minitest support
- add rspec support
- split controller_scaffold into several separate generators