
a demo project for full user registration/login and minmial work flow for credit card creation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a demo project for full user registration/login and minmial work flow for credit card creation. It is made by Django and Django Rest Framework as a REST api based web backend.

How to run it

  • This project is written in Python 3.6, Django 2.1
  • Poject is tested in Windows 10 Home and Ubuntu 18 LTS

Follow the following steps to run the project:

  1. create a virtual environemnt with python
  2. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. since db is included, you can just run python manage.py runserver


  • User Registration: /api/auth/registration/
  • User login: /api/auth/login/
  • List of credit cards: /card/
  • Any particular credit card: /card/{card_id}


  • Due to time restriction, the setup is not optimized. For example, the credentials should be setup as environmental variable and stay outside of version control software (i.e. django settings SECRET_KEY, stripe keys)
  • project is not dockerized
  • project uses sqlite db which should not be used in production
  • project test database should be the same as the production/development database
  • No test code is written due to time restriction
    • pytest congifuration is done
    • all endpoints and functions are manually tested to make sure validation works fine