Lizzy is a wrapper around Senza: a command line deployment tool for creating and executing AWS CloudFormation templates. With Lizzy, autonomous teams can use Senza, within their continuous delivery pipelines, to deploy new versions of their apps to a team-specific AWS account. Lizzy can be deployed to an AWS account, then it's REST API can be used to deploy new apps to that account.
At Zalando, development teams have their own AWS accounts so they can work autonomously. One team (Continuous Delivery) is responsible for maintaining the Jenkinses of all other Zalando teams. This allows teams to focus on their OKR's instead of spending their time configuring Jenkins or creating their own continuous deployment tools. For Zalando, Lizzy helps make continuous delivery using our Jenkins-as-a-Service setup possible. Without Lizzy teams would need to save AWS credentials to their Jenkins instance.
If your team is interested in working with immutable stacks on AWS you can use Senza to create and manage your stacks using CloudFormation. Lizzy is an additional tool that provides a deployment API to be used by your continuous delivery pipeline to run Senza commands. Lizzy can be used along with any code integration tool like Jenkins, TravisCI, CircleCI, etc.
Lizzy consists of the Lizzy Agent — a REST API service — and the Lizzy-Client command line tool.
The Lizzy Agent is a web application deployed in a team's AWS account and granted access to create new CloudFormation stacks through a REST API. All requests are authenticated using OAuth2 bearer tokens.
Lizzy-Client mimics the usage of Senza's commands and transforms them into HTTP requests, which are then sent to Lizzy Agent's REST API.
Many Zalando teams use Lizzy in production to deliver high-quality services that power the fastest-growing online fashion platform in Europe. If you want to know more about how Zalando uses Lizzy, please read our blog post Continuous Delivery pipelines of ghe-backups with Lizzy.
This repository includes a Dockerfile that you can use to build an image locally using the command:
$ docker build -t lizzy:dev .
If you clone this repository, the "scm-source.json" file will be missing. To know more about what is in this file, please read the STUPS documentation. We have tools that can generate this file for you.
After the image is built, it will be available with the tag "lizzy:dev". You will also need to specify some environment variables for Lizzy to use. Here is an "example.cfg" file:
You also need to configure the AWS credentials locally in your machine under ~/.aws. After that, you can run the Lizzy image with the command:
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --env-file environment.cfg -v ~/.aws:/.aws --name lizzy -u 999 -it lizzy:dev
The application will be available by default at the port 8080, which is usually accessible at It depends on how you've configured Docker locally. A Swagger/OpenAPI console is available at
There are many ways to deploy Lizzy to AWS. At Zalando we use STUPS, which provides a convenient and audit-compliant Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). An example of the Senza definition to deploy Lizzy:
StackName: lizzy
- ImageVersion:
Description: "Docker image version of lizzy."
- Configuration:
Type: 'Senza::StupsAutoConfiguration'
- AppServer:
Type: Senza::TaupageAutoScalingGroup
AssociatePublicIpAddress: false
ElasticLoadBalancer: AppLoadBalancer
IamRoles: ['app-lizzy']
InstanceType: t2.nano
SecurityGroups: ['app-lizzy']
application_version: '{{Arguments.ImageVersion}}'
ALLOWED_USER_PATTERN: "^(jenkins-slave-\\w+)$"
REGION: '{{AccountInfo.Region}}'
health_check_path: /api/swagger.json
ports: {8080: 8080}
runtime: Docker
source: 'lizzy:{{Arguments.ImageVersion}}'
- AppLoadBalancer:
HTTPPort: 8080
HealthCheckPath: /api/swagger.json
Scheme: internet-facing
SecurityGroups: ['app-lizzy-lb']
Type: Senza::WeightedDnsElasticLoadBalancer
To create new CloudFormation stacks, Lizzy applications need access to CloudFormation plus some other services from Amazon's API. You will need to specify the IAM role in a manner like:
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Version": "2012-10-17"
That is the minimal configuration Lizzy needs to run Senza commands successfully. Other statements might be included in this configuration.
Lizzy uses the following environment variables for configuration:
ALLOWED_USERS | List of users that can use Lizzy | |
ALLOWED_USER_PATTERN | Defines a regular expression to match usernames allowed to use Lizzy | |
DEPLOYER_SCOPE | OAUTH scope needed to deploy | |
LOG_LEVEL | Sets the minimum log level | INFO |
LOG_FORMAT | Sets the log format (human or default) | default |
REGION | AWS Region to use | eu-west-1 |
SENTRY_DSN | Sentry URL with client keys | |
TOKEN_URL | URL to get a new token | |
TOKENINFO_URL | URL to validate the token |
There are two environment variables for configuring who is allowed to perform successful calls to the Lizzy Agent. You must use one (and ONLY one) of them: Either ALLOWED_USERS or ALLOWED_USER_PATTERN. To choose which one fits your use case, you first need to understand what they do.
- ALLOWED_USERS: List of specific usernames that can access Lizzy. Use it when you know the exact usernames of the clients you want to give access to your service.
- ALLOWED_USER_PATTERN: Regular expression that should match the username of the clients that are going to call the Lizzy API. Use it when you know that the username should start with some pattern, like stups_.+.
Those variables are mutually exclusive. Again: use only one of them.
The TOKEN_URL environment variable should point to the service that provides OAuth tokens. At Zalando, we use the open-source PlanB provider for that. The TOKENINFO_URL environment variable should point to the service that stores information about the tokens. To store the OAuth2 token information, we use PlanB token info, also developed by Zalando. If you do not have any OAuth2 infrastructure, please take a look at those projects.
We welcome your ideas, issues, and pull requests. Just follow the usual/standard GitHub practices.
Copyright 2015 Zalando SE
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.