
The Space-Travelers-Hub is a web application that displays real-time data from the SpaceX API. Users can book rockets, dragons, and join selected space missions. You may also cancel any reservations that you wish.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Space-Travelers-Hub is a web application that displays real-time data from the SpaceX API. Users can book rockets, dragons, and join selected space missions. You may also cancel any reservations that you wish. The API used for this project are:

Built With

React Redux Jest Netlify Status

Screen shoot

Peek 2022-04-08 13-26

Getting Started

Prerequisites: A Web Browser (preferably FireFox or Chrome)

Option 1

Use the live Website

Space traveller hub

Option 2

Set up your own copy locally

  • Clone the GitHub Repository
  • Go to the Project cd space_traveller_hub
  • Run npm install to install the dependencies Run npm start to run the live server.


👤 Mwafrika Josué

👤 Zelalem Mekonnen

👤 Mnemba Chambuya


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.