Laravel RSS Reader Services

Give a tool that can read a feed or rss, user can register it and bookmark articles to read late. It's also implement cache that help a lot of processing and performance. You can modify time cache at config/blog_feed.php


  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • composer


Install requirements

composer install
php artisan key:generator
php artisan migrate


  1. Create database
  2. Paste database name at .env file
  3. add this line into config/app, into services array

Working GUI

  1. You can register user and Try

Working Console

  1. list all feed register, default user id = 1. user can modify it at file config
php artisan feed:list
  1. Read current feed
php artisan feed:read {id} # id of feed or url
  1. Add new feed
php artisan feed:add {url} --title # id of feed or url
  1. Remove new feed
php artisan feed:remove {id} # id of feed or url