
Hotel Engine Code Test and Github Pull Request Viewer

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Hotel Engine Code Test


node v12.8.1+


npm i


npm test


This utility may be used as directly or added added to path to be used in other repos.


./ice_nine -u https://github.com/facebook/react

In the root directory of a git repo (directory containing .git)

{{ location of this installed app }}/ice_nine/ice_nine

Root of this directory can also be added to path.


-u or --url followed by github repo url.

-p or --page followed by page to pull. 30 at a time will be pulled. Default: 1

-e Show errors


Using the GitHub API ( https://developer.github.com/v3 ), we ask that you build a Node.js app that displays info for the open pull requests in a GitHub repository. The interface can take whatever form you like and should accept a repository URL, for example https://github.com/hapijs/hapi. It should display a list of open pull requests along with the number of commits in that PR, the number of comments on the PR, and the user that opened it.