
Command-line tool for OS X calendar

Primary LanguageSwift



A command-line utility to work with OS X calendar events.

It queries the OC X calendar and outputs events in json format

Example Usage

Join zoom meeting from upcoming calendar event


The usage is pretty straightforward, you execute the program in terminal passing it arguments. Without any arguments the program executes events today subcommand. You can get a desription of options and arguments by running the program with --help option.

OVERVIEW: Outputs events from calendar to console

USAGE: calendar-command <subcommand>

  -h, --help              Show help information.

  events                  Work with events
  event                   Show specific event
  list-calendars          List calendars
  list-date-formats       List supported input date formats


Oputput options for events and event subcommands

  • show-attendees show attendees in json output. By the attendees output is off
  • recurrency-rules show recurrency rules in json output. By the recurrency rules output is off
  • date-format output dates in specified format


Common options for events and it's subcommands:

  • calendar use this calendar to get events, if not specified - get events from all available calendars
  • my-status filter events by the status of current user, e.g. pending, accepted, tentative. Useful to filter events that overlap
  • all-day filter all day events, options are:
    • show don't filter all day events out
    • dont-show filter all day event out
    • only show only all day events
  • recurring filter recurring events, options are similar as for all day events
  • sort-order the order to apply to output of events. Available options:
    • none just output the events in the order the calendar returns them
    • start-date sort events by their start date in ascending order
    • end-date sort events by their end date in ascending order
    • title sort events by their title in ascending order
  • reverse-order reverse the order of output. Doesn't apply to sort order none

The events command expects two options

  • start Show events that start after this date
  • end Show events that start before this date

When working with events' subcommands, the events command can be dropped

OVERVIEW: Display events in a range of dates

USAGE: calendar-command events <options> <subcommand>

  -c, --calendar <calendar>
                          Name of calendar to use
  -m, --my-status <my-status>
                          Show only events with my status equal to specified
  -a, --all-day <all-day> Filter all-day events (available options show, dont-show, only) (default: show)
  -u, --recurring <recurring>
                          Filter recurring events (available options show, dont-show, only) (default: show)
  -s, --sort-order <sort-order>
                          Event sort order (available options none, start-date, end-date, title) (default: none)
  -r, --reverse-order/--no-reverse-order
                          Sort in reverse order (default: false)
                          Show event attendees (default: false)
                          Show event recurrency rules (default: false)
  -f, --date-format <date-format>
                          Ouput date format (default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm::ssZZZZZ)
  --start <start>         Events starting after, in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm::ssZZZZZ)
  --end <end>             Events ending before, in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm::ssZZZZZ)
  -h, --help              Show help information.

  now                     Events happening now
  today                   Events happening today
  at                      Events happening at a certain point of time
  in                      Events happening soon
  on                      Events happening on a specific date

Show events that happen today (that start after 00:00 and end before 24:00), no additional options.


Show events that happen now (that start before current moment and end after it), no additional options.


Show events that happen at a certan point of time (that start before the point of time and end after it), it requires an argument with the date

$ icaltool events at 2020-04-27T17:30 # Events that happen at 17:30, 27th April, 2020

$ icaltool at 2020-04-27T17:30 # Same effect

Show events that happen in some time distance from now (that start before the point of time and end after it), it requires an argument with the date interval. The interval format is ISO 8601 Duration format.

$ icaltool events in PT5M # Events that will be going on in 5 minutes, please note the T
$ icaltool events in P5M  # Events that will happen in 5 months, same as above without T 

Show events that happen on specified date (time part is ignored, events that start after 00:00 and end before 24:00 on that date are displayed).


Searches for an event with a certain id, expects it as an argument



This subcommand doesn't have any options. It just outputs avalilable calendars in json format.


List supported input date formats for reference. Currently supported input formats are:



The output format is one-line json, no pretty-printing is provided. You can alway use jq tool to format and filter JSON data.


The output for list-calendars is a JSON array containing JSON objects with calendar descriptions.


  "title": "dailies",
  "type": "calDAV",
  "subscribed": false,
  "immutable": false,
  "allow-content-modification": true,
  "color": "#b3dc6cff"
field name type description
uid string Identity of calendar
title string Human-readable name of calendar, you can use this name with events subcommand. Put it into quotes on the command line if it contains spaces
type string Type of calendar
subscribed bool true if the calendar is subscribed
immutable bool true if you cannot modify attributes of the calendar or delete it
allow-content-modification bool true if you can add, remove, or modify items in this calendar
color string Hex RGBA color. The color can be modified in the Calendar.app


The output for events and subcommands is a JSON array containing events in JSON notation. The event subcommand returns an array containing 0 or 1 event object


  "url": "https://calendar.example.com/event?event_id=100500",
  "title": "Daily meeting",
  "notes": "Discussing daily stuff",
  "location": null,
  "start": "2020-04-28T10:00::00+03:00",
  "end": "2020-04-28T10:15::00+03:00",
  "all-day": false,
  "recurrent": true,
  "recurrence-rules": [
      "interval": 1,
      "first-day-of-the-week": 2,
      "days-of-the-week": [
          "day-of-the-week": "tuesday",
          "week-number": 0
          "day-of-the-week": "wednesday",
          "week-number": 0
          "day-of-the-week": "thursday",
          "week-number": 0
          "day-of-the-week": "friday",
          "week-number": 0
      "frequency": "weekly",
      "reccurence-end": null
  "detached": false,
  "occurrence-date": "2020-04-28T10:00::00+03:00",
  "status": "none",
  "availabilty": "busy",
  "my-status": "accepted",
  "attendees": [
      "status": "accepted",
      "type": "person",
      "current_user": true,
      "url": "user@example.com",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "role": "required"
      "status": "accepted",
      "type": "person",
      "current_user": false,
      "url": "boss@example.com",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "role": "required"
  "organizer": {
    "status": "accepted",
    "type": "person",
    "current_user": false,
    "url": "boss@example.com",
    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "role": "chair"
  "color": "#0e61b9ff"
field name type description
uid string Identity of the event
calendar-id string Identity of the calendar event belongs to
url string URL of the event as provided by the calendar server
title string Title of the event, may be null
notes string Notes attached to the event, may be null
location string Text description of the event's location, may be null
start string Event start date in dateFormat
end string Event end date in dateFormat
all-day bool Is the event all day event
recurrent bool Is the event recurrent
recurrence-rules array of recurrence-rule Objects describing recurrence1
detached bool Is the recurrent event detached from series1
occurence-date string Date of recurrent event occurrence1
status string Status of the event
availabiltiy string Availability of event's attendees
my-status string Current user's status in this event
attendees array of attendees Objects desribing participants2
organizer object Object describing participant that organizes the event
color string Hex RGBA color of the calendar event belongs to. Optional

[1]: Shown only if recurrence-rules option is on
[2]: Shown only if show-attendees option is on