
Program for generating printable flashcards from a simple text file

Primary LanguageHTML


Formats word lists into a document that can be printed onto standard business-card-paper (2" x 3.5" / 10 cards per sheet)


No-code use:

This page is hosted online and has Spanish words (so far)

Code use:

  • coerce your text into the format see in the words.txt file (i.e.)
  • run the index.js file using $ node index.js at your terminal
  • open the flashcardHtml.html file (which it creates) in a browser (chrome recommended)
  • print the page using a printer that is capable of printing on two sides (check the preview to make sure everything is correct)

Works very nicely with THIS paper.


This is very "bare bones". I think the next step would be do create a "frame" inside which, the user could specify CSS. That would allow the user to implement the card exactly as intended. I don't intend on doing that, but would be happy to see someone do it in a way that was also backwards compatible


The current words.txt file is the 1000 most used Spanish words. Would be open to a PR that adds other languages 1000 most used words.