D&D West Marches

Welcome to the home of our West Marches Dungeons and Dragons game!

West Marches is a different take on traditional Dungeon and Dragons (and RPGs in general). Instead of a regular set of players that meet on a regular schedule, a subset of all the players and a Game Master (GM) will schedule sessions ad-hoc.

That way there is no commitment beyond a single session. If you enjoy yourself, and want to play again, join up again at a time that is convenient!

House rules and expectations

In order to avoid any misunderstandings, these are the expectations for all people joining the game (both players and GMs).

  1. Be kind. This is a game that we are playing for fun. Please don't be disrepectful towards others.
  2. Be patient. Not every game will go smoothly. Please be patient with GMs and other players.
  3. Be on time. It is difficult enough to schedule a session with people's lives. Accidents do happen, but please arrive on time and prepared.
  4. Have fun. This game is about exploring imagination. Have fun with it.
  5. Share the spotlight. It is easy to lose sight that this is a game of cooperation. Every character brings something unique to the party, and we should embrace and encourage that.

How to start a character

Start by submitting a character issue. A game master will work with you in the comments to sort out any character building questions and issues.

After that's is completed and approved, create a wiki page with your character information.

You are welcome to create as many characters as you would like, but you can only choose a single character for each session.

How to schedule a session

Each session will need to be scheduled. For every session, a player in the party should begin a session issue filling out as many details as possible.

Each session can only have between 2-4 players (excluding the Game Master). Once the scheduling details are sorted out, the Game Master will offer a couple places for explorations. If this is the first time the characters have met each other, the party can use the issue comments to role play introductions. That way we can dive into the exploration early in the session.

If the party is scheduling a continuation from a previous session, include a link and details where the party left off. Continuations do not need the same party composition as long as 2/3rd of players from the previous session are okay with it continuing.

Expectations for a session:

  • Be 15 minutes early. This helps the party start on time.
  • Video chat is required. We will use audio and video for our session.
  • Sessions will be recorded. The party will decide whether the session's recording will be public or private.

After a session ends

After a session ends, every character that participated needs to submit a short recap of the session from their character's point of view. A few sentences will do.

Experience points (XP) will be awarded to all characters to track on their characters. Updates to the character's wiki are appreciated as it will help us for new sessions.

I want to help!

I would love help! The more the players engage, the better the games will be!

There are many ways to contribute. You don't need to ask permission, just dive in.

  • World building: cities, lore, races, legends, factions, big bad evil people. If you would like to help by creating any of these, submit an issue and we'll talk it over!
  • Exploration: where will the party explore? Why? Who or what will they need to overcome?
  • Battlemaps: sharing battlemaps, custom made or found are always welcome!
  • In game role playing: perhaps you would like to RP as an NPC interating with the party? Or perhaps you would like to narrate the hits and misses. If this sounds like fun, let me know at the beginning of the session.
  • Expansive recaps: writing up an expansive and egaging recap of the session helps everyone. You are also welcome to submit a recap as an NPC.
  • Rules knowledge: A Game Master's job is not to remember all the rules. Their job is merely to adjudicate. If anyone wants to help by doing the research in-game, they are welcome! Remember though, that the Game Master may still make a ruling on the fly in order to not get bogged down flipping pages.
  • GMing or Co-GMing: If anyone wants to try their own hand at running a game, let a Game Master know! There are many ways to help even if you don't take on the full GM responsibility.


  • How do characters level up? Characters need to take a full rest in order to level up. They do not need to be back in a town.
  • Why is video necessary? Playing RPGs online can be tough over voice-only. It's tough to gauge when other people are ready to jump in. In addition, leaning on imagination can make folks feel self-conscious and sometime silly. Seeing other's reactions helps with comraderie.
  • Why are recordings necessary? The unpredictable nature of West Marches can make it harder to remember where the party left off. Also this game is welcoming to people new to RPGs, and watching the recordings help people understand what to expect.