DISCLAIMER: This application is used for demonstrative and illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an offering that has gone through regulatory review. It is not intended to serve as a medical application. There is no representation as to the accuracy of the output of this application and it is presented without warranty.
This application was built to demonstrate IBM's Watson Natural Language Classifier (NLC). The data set we will be using, ICD-10-GT-AA.csv, contains a subset of ICD-10 entries. ICD-10 is the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. In short, it is a medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO) that contains codes for: diseases, signs and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases. Hospitals and insurance companies alike could save time and money by levearging Watson to properly tag the most accurate ICD-10 codes.
This application is a Python web application based on the Flask microframework, and based on earlier work done by Ryan Anderson. It uses the Watson Python SDK to create the classifier, list classifiers, and classify the input text. We also make use of the freely available ICD-10 API which, given an ICD-10 code, returns a name and description.
Here we create the classifier with our ICD-10 dataset.
- Download the ICD-10 dataset by right clicking the link and seletcting Save As.
- Create an NLC service in IBM Cloud, make a note of the service name used in the catalog, we'll need this later.
- Create service credentials by using the menu on the left and selecting the default options.
- Upload the data using the command below. Be sure to substitute the username and password. This will take around 3 hours.
curl -i --user "$username":"$password" -F training_data=@ICD-10-GT-AA.csv -F training_metadata="{\"language\":\"en\",\"name\":\"ICD-10Classifier\"}" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/natural-language-classifier/api/v1/classifiers"
This application can be run locally or hosted on IBM Cloud, follow the steps below depending on your deployment choice
- Clone this project:
git clone git@github.com:IBM/nlc-icd10-demo.git
into this project's root directory- (Optionally) create a virtual environment:
virtualenv my-nlc-demo
- Activate the virtual environment:
- Activate the virtual environment:
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the app's dependencies - Update the welcome.py with your NLC credentials
- Run
python welcome.py
- Access the running app in a browser at
Clone this project:
git clone git@github.com:IBM/nlc-icd10-demo.git
into this project's root directory -
with the NLC service name (your_nlc_service_name
), a unique application name (your_app_name
) and unique host value (your_app_host
)applications: - path: . memory: 256M instances: 1 domain: mybluemix.net name: your_app_name host: your_app_host disk_quota: 1024M services: - your_nlc_service_name buildpack: python_buildpack
bluemix app push
from the root directory -
Access the running app by going to:
If you've never run the
command before there is some configuration required, refer to the official IBM Cloud CLI docs to get this set up.