
Integrate the remarkable Gravity Forms plugin with Salesforce.

Primary LanguagePHP

Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-on

This is the best WordPress Salesforce plugin.

Integrate Your Forms with Salesforce

Add one setting, check a box when configuring your forms, and all your form entries will be added to Salesforce from now on. Integrating with Salesforce has never been so simple.

###Gravity Forms + Salesforce = A Powerful Combination

This free Salesforce Add-On for Gravity Forms adds contacts into Salesforce automatically, making customer relationship management simple. The setup process takes less than three minutes, and your contact form will be linked with Salesforce.

Now with Custom Field support!

Read the FAQ for information on how to integrate with Custom Fields.

Using the API

If you have the following Salesforce Editions, you can use the included API Add-on:

  • Enterprise Edition
  • Unlimited Edition
  • Developer Edition

If you use the following Editions, you will use the included Web to Lead Add-on:

  • Personal Edition
  • Group Edition
  • Professional Edition
    Note: You can also purchase API access for a Professional Edition.

Other Gravity Forms Add-ons:

If you have questions, comments, or issues with this plugin, please leave your feedback on the Plugin Support Forum.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Configure Salesforce field mapping. Set up custom objects.
  2. Integrate with more than one form.
  3. Salesforce.com settings page

== Installation ==

  1. Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress' built-in Add New Plugin installer
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to the plugin settings page (under Forms > Salesforce)
  4. Enter the information requested by the plugin.
  5. Click Save Settings.
  6. If the settings are correct, it will say so.
  7. Follow on-screen instructions for integrating with Salesforce.

== Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ==

= How do I use the "Primary Key" field in each feed =

First, think of the "Primary Key" field more as a foreign key. The point of this field is to auto update the foreign key in the current form with the primary key from the previous feed. There are two ways to take advantage of this, let's use these examples:

Salesforce Feeds *Form 1: Contact - no "Primary Key" field selected *Form 1: Opportunity - "Primary Key" field selected "Contact". Will use the previously returned key from salesforce "contact id" *Form 1: Tribute - "Primary Key" field selected "Opportunity". Will use the previously returned key from salesforce "opportunity id"

In order to pull this off, you still need to do a few things. First, take advantage of the sorting feature in the Salesforce Feeds list. This allows you the flexibility to add feeds in any order and sort them into the proper order. This is important because if you're using the "Primary Key" feature, you will need your feeds in the right order. Meaning, your dependent foreign key MUST follow your primary key. So, in the example above, Opportunity must be sorted immediately after Contact because once it is inserted it relies on the Contact primary key.

Alernative method:

Salesforce Feeds *Form 1: Contact - "Primary Key" field not selected *Form 1: Opportunity - "Primary Key" field selected "Contact". Will use the previously returned key from salesforce "Contact id" *Form 1: Opportunity Contact Role - "Primary Key" field not selected. Instead select your Primary Keys from the form fields dropdowns. This will use the previously returned keys from your previous Salesforce feeds: "opportunity id" & "contact id"

Now let's say that Opportunity Contact Role has two required foriegn keys -- Opportunity ID & Contact ID. As before, you will still need your Feeds in the right order. Meaning, Opportunity Contact Role can not be first because it needs it depends on the Primary Keys from Contact & Opportunity. In order to pull this off, select the corresponding Primary Keys from the Form Fields on your Feed. Match them up with "Contact ID" List Feed and "Oppotunity ID" List Feed.

= Web to Lead: My input values are being cut off in Salesforce = If you are submitting to a "Multi PickList" field in Salesforce, the values need to be separated with ';' instead of ','. Add a filter to your functions.php file:

add_filter('gf_salesforce_implode_glue', 'change_salesforce_implode_glue');

 * Change the way the data is submitted to salesforce to force submission as multi picklist values.
 * @param  string $glue  ',' or ';'
 * @param  array $field The field to modify the glue for
 * @return string        ',' or ';'
function change_salesforce_implode_glue($glue, $field) {

    // Change this to the Salesforce API Name of the field that's not being passed properly.
    $name_of_sf_field = 'ExampleMultiSelectPicklist__c';

    // If the field being checked is the Salesforce field that is being truncated, return ';'
    if($field['inputName'] === $name_of_sf_field || $field['adminLabel'] === $name_of_sf_field) {
        return ';';

    // Otherwise, return default.
    return $glue;

= Do I need both plugins activated? = No, you only need one, and the API plugin is recommended: the Web to Lead plugin is no longer being actively developed. If you are using Web to Lead, you don't need the API plugin activated. If you are using the API plugin, you don't need the Web to Lead activated.

= What are the server requirements? = Your server must support the following:

  • PHP 5.x
  • SOAP Enabled
  • SSL Enabled
  • cURL Enabled
  • OpenSSL Enabled

= My Assignment Rule is not triggered. How do I fix this? =

add_action('gf_salesforce_connection', 'gf_salesforce_set_default_assignement_rule');

function gf_salesforce_set_default_assignement_rule($client) {
    //  Two Options for Setting Assignment Rule
    //    1.  Pass in AssignmentRule ID and "false" to use a specific assignment rule.
    //    2.  Pass in null and true to trigger the DEFAULT AssignementRule
    $header = new \AssignmentRuleHeader(null, true);


    return $client;

= How do I configure the API plugin? =

How to set up integration:

  1. In WordPress admin, go to Forms > Salesforce > Salesforce Settings
  2. If you don't have your security token, follow this link to Reset Your Security Token
  3. Come back to this settings page and enter your Security Token, Salesforce.com Username and Password.
  4. Save the settings, and you should be done!

= How do I set a custom Lead Source? (Web to Lead) = This feature support was added in version 1.1.1. gf_salesforce_lead_source is the filter.

Add the following to your theme's functions.php file. Modify as you see fit:

` add_filter('gf_salesforce_lead_source', 'make_my_own_lead_source', 1, 3);

function make_my_own_lead_source($lead_source, $form_meta, $data) { // $lead_source - What was about to be used (normally Gravity Forms Form Title) // $form_meta - Gravity Forms form details // $data - The data passed to Salesforce

return $lead_source; // Return something else if you want to.

} `

= Can I use Salesforce Custom Fields? (Web to Lead) =

With version 1.1, you can. When you are trying to map a custom field, you need to set either the "Admin Label" for the input (in the Advanced tab of each field in the Gravity Forms form editor) or the Parameter Name (in Advanced tab, visible after checking "Allow field to be populated dynamically") to be the API Name of the Custom Field as shown in Salesforce. For example, a Custom Field with a Field Label "Web Source" could have an API Name of SFGA__Web_Source__c.

You can find your Custom Fields under [Your Name] → Setup → Leads → Fields, then at the bottom of the page, there's a list of "Lead Custom Fields & Relationships". This is where you will find the "API Name" to use in the Admin Label or Parameter Name.

= What's the license for this plugin? = This plugin is released under a GPL license.

== Changelog ==

= 3.1 =

  • Fixed: do not take any create action on inactive feeds
  • Fixed: ability to sort the order of feeds list
  • Fixed: feed select boxes are all sorted alphabetically now
  • Fixed: feeds primary key can now be used to update previous records properly. For example, formA two SF tables worth of data -- contact & address. You can create an address feed and a contact feed. If the address feed is ordered before the contact feed in the feed list, you can use the contact feeds primary key to map to the address primary key. This is helpful to map true relationships is SF.
  • Fixed: any feed can map foreign keys to primary keys, thus mapping rich relationship in SF. For example, formB has five dependent SF tables worth of data -- contact, opportunities, opportunity contacts, contact, tribute. Now you can create a contact, have it linked to opportunities. But also create a second contact and map that as well as the opportunity to a custom tribute table. Very fancy.

= 2.3 =

  • API: Now fully supports custom objects!
  • API: Fixed error with endless spinning when choosing "Select the form to tap into"
  • Web to Lead: Fixed issue on Form Settings page caused by Gravity Forms 1.7.7 update.

= 2.2.7 =

  • Updated Web to Lead
    • Fixed Lists input type
    • Fixed issue where checkboxes and multiselects were being added as Array

= 2.2.6 =

  • Updated Web to Lead to work with Gravity Forms 1.7+ form settings screens

= 2.2.5 =

  • Fixed Web to Lead picklist functionality. Thanks, Ryan Allen!

= =

  • Fixed issue that should never have happened, but did: the "Gravity Forms Not Installed" message showed up for an user on the front-end of their site and prevented them from logging in.
  • Fixed admin PHP Notice when gravity forms is not activated

= =

  • Fixed one more issue with "Array" as submitted value when using select dropdown lists and Salesforce Field Mapping. Note: after updating the plugin, you may need to re-save your affected forms.

= =

  • Fixed issue introduced in 2.2.4 that prevented options from being editable when Salesforce Field Mapping was not enabled.

= 2.2.4 =

  • Fixed issue with selecting Live Field Mapping where object information wouldn't load if there was an apostophe in the field name or description.
  • Improved Live Field Mapping display: disabled fields stay looking disabled on form save.
  • Fixed issue where Live Field Mapping would not send form data properly. This was caused by the plugin wrongly assigning "inputs" to the fields, causing the field IDs not to match upon submit.
  • Fixed version number on Gravity Forms Salesforce Web to Lead Add-On so that it won't always seem like there's an update waiting.

= 2.2.3 =

  • Fixed issue where Web to Lead Form Editor would no longer load if Salesforce API plugin was enabled and not configured. As reported here and here.
  • Fixed issue where Salesforce Fields disappeared when mapping fields using the Salesforce API plugin, as reported here. Thanks to @gmcinnes for the fix.
  • Improved XML validation by escaping XML characters < ' " & > and also removing UTF-8 "control characters". Should solve the issue reported here in regards to "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Client] An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xb) was found in the element content of the document."

= 2.2.2 =

  • Added Edit Form and Preview Form links to Salesforce.com Feeds list
  • Fixed issues with array processing with new _remove_empty_fields and _convert_to_utf_8 methods

= 2.2.1 =

  • API: Made live updating optional with radio button
  • API: Added cache time dropdown
  • API: Refreshes transients when changing cache time
  • Web to Lead: Fixed issue where Salesforce icon wouldn't show up on load in Edit Form screen
  • Web to Lead: Salesforce icon now shows properly on Edit Forms screen

= 2.2 =

= 2.1.1 =

= 2.1 =

  • Fixed: Added support for multiselect fields other fields with multiple responses
  • Added: Entries now get assigned a Salesforce ID that link directly to the Salesforce contact or object (API plugin only)
  • Added: Notes are now added to Entries with the success or error messages from exporting to Salesforce (API plugin only)
  • Added: You can have Salesforce export errors emailed to you when they occur (API plugin only)

= 2.0.2 =

= 2.0.1 =

  • Renamed the plugin files so that you wouldn't need to re-activate.

= 2.0 =

  • Added API plugin. A complete rewrite; switched to SOAP API. Will require re-configuring the plugin.
  • Renamed 1.x plugin "Gravity Forms Salesforce Web to Lead Add-On"

= 1.1.3 =

  • Fixed issue with latest Gravity Forms preventing Salesforce checkbox from showing up - thanks Michael Manley!

= 1.1.2 =

  • Fixed issue where entered Salesforce field mapping labels were being overwritten by auto-labeling.
    • Added filter gf_salesforce_autolabel to turn off auto-labeling by adding add_filter('gf_salesforce_autolabel', '__return_false'); to your theme's functions.php file.
    • Made auto-labeling much less aggressive: now only matches exact matches for First Name, Company, etc.
  • Added support for checkboxes and other multiple-item fields using implode() PHP functionality: lists will be converted to comma-separated values.

= 1.1.1 =

  • Fixes issue where all forms get submitted to Salesforce, not only enabled forms (reported on support forum).
  • Added a new filter to modify the lead source gf_salesforce_lead_source, as requested here. Passes three arguments: $lead_source, $gf_form_meta, $salesforce_data.

= 1.1 =

  • Added support for Custom Fields (view the FAQ here, or the Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-on Settings page for this plugin)
  • Improved authentication check in the settings page - no longer creates a blank lead.
  • Fixed some PHP notices

= 1.0 =

  • Launch!

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.3 =

  • API: Now fully supports custom objects!
  • API: Fixed error with endless spinning when choosing "Select the form to tap into"
  • Web to Lead: Fixed issue on Form Settings page caused by Gravity Forms 1.7.7 update.

= 2.2.7 =

  • Updated Web to Lead
    • Fixed Lists input type
    • Fixed issue where checkboxes and multiselects were being added as Array

= 2.2.6 =

  • Updated Web to Lead to work with Gravity Forms 1.7+ form settings screens

= 2.2.5 =

  • Fixed Web to Lead picklist functionality. Thanks, Ryan Allen!

= =

  • Fixed issue that should never have happened, but did: the "Gravity Forms Not Installed" message showed up for an user on the front-end of their site and prevented them from logging in.
  • Fixed admin PHP Notice when gravity forms is not activated

= =

  • Fixed one more issue with "Array" as submitted value when using select dropdown lists and Salesforce Field Mapping. Note: after updating the plugin, you may need to re-save your affected forms.

= =

  • Fixed issue introduced in 2.2.4 that prevented options from being editable when Salesforce Field Mapping was not enabled.

= 2.2.4 =

  • Fixed issue with selecting Live Field Mapping where object information wouldn't load if there was an apostophe in the field name or description.
  • Improved Live Field Mapping display: disabled fields stay looking disabled on form save.
  • Fixed issue where Live Field Mapping would not send form data properly. This was caused by the plugin wrongly assigning "inputs" to the fields, causing the field IDs not to match upon submit.
  • Fixed version number on Gravity Forms Salesforce Web to Lead Add-On so that it won't always seem like there's an update waiting.

= 2.2.3 =

  • Fixed issue where Web to Lead Form Editor would no longer load if Salesforce API plugin was enabled and not configured. As reported here and here.
  • Fixed issue where Salesforce Fields disappeared when mapping fields using the Salesforce API plugin, as reported here. Thanks to @gmcinnes for the fix.
  • Improved XML validation by escaping XML characters < ' " & > and also removing UTF-8 "control characters". Should solve the issue reported here in regards to "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Client] An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xb) was found in the element content of the document."

= 2.2.2 =

  • Added Edit Form and Preview Form links to Salesforce.com Feeds list
  • Fixed issues with array processing with new _remove_empty_fields and _convert_to_utf_8 methods

= 2.2.1 =

  • Made live updating optional with radio button
  • Added cache time dropdown
  • Refreshes transients when changing cache time

= 2.2 =

= 2.1.1 =

= 2.1 =

  • Added: Entries now get assigned a Salesforce ID that link directly to the Salesforce contact or object (API plugin only)
  • Added: Notes are now added to Entries with the success or error messages from exporting to Salesforce (API plugin only)
  • Added: You can have Salesforce export errors emailed to you when they occur (API plugin only)

= 2.0.2 =

= 2.0 =

  • Complete rewrite; switched to SOAP API. Will require re-configuring the plugin.

= 1.1.3 =

  • Fixed issue with latest Gravity Forms preventing Salesforce checkbox from showing up - thanks Michael Manley!

= 1.1.2 =

  • Fixed issue where entered Salesforce field mapping labels were being overwritten by auto-labeling.
    • Added filter gf_salesforce_autolabel to turn off auto-labeling by adding add_filter('gf_salesforce_autolabel', '__return_false'); to your theme's functions.php file.
    • Made auto-labeling much less aggressive: now only matches exact matches for First Name, Company, etc.
  • Added support for checkboxes and other multiple-item fields using implode() PHP functionality: lists will be converted to comma-separated values.

= 1.1.1 =

  • Fixes issue where all forms get submitted to Salesforce, not only enabled forms (reported on support forum).
  • Added a new filter to modify the lead source gf_salesforce_lead_source, as requested here. Passes three arguments: $lead_source, $gf_form_meta, $salesforce_data.

= 1.1 =

  • Added support for Custom Fields (view the FAQ here, or the Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-on Settings page for this plugin)
  • Improved authentication check in the settings page - no longer creates a blank lead.
  • Fixed some PHP notices

= 1.0 =

  • Launch!