

  • MUST choose a port that SHOULD be random — SERVICE_PORT
  • MUST choose a secret — SECRET_RESPONSE

The server MUST run both workflows in parallel.

Service workflow

  • MUST listen on port SERVICE_PORT with a socket of type router
  • Upon requests, MUST reply with a secret response

Discovery workflow

  • MUST use a socket of type pub to publish its LOCATION every second on port 6665
  • the LOCATION is defined by the last octet of the server IP and SERVICE_PORT and format MUST be "last_ip_octet:SERVICE_PORT"


The client MUST start with the "Discovery workflow"

Discovery workflow

  • for every possible last_ip_octet (1-254) the client SHOULD subscribe to topic discovery on port 6665
  • Upon received messages from subscriptions, the client SHOULD generate the respective ADDRESS from the last_ip_octet and PORT and use it for the "Connect Workflow"

Connect workflow

  1. SHOULD connect to the ADDRESS with a socket of type dealer
  2. MUST send "Hello from NICKNAME" where is the name of the sender.
  3. MUST log the reply
  4. SHOULD return and continue on the "Discovery workflow"