
compares batteries for EV use

 * This sketch creates a series of "DDR Difficulty" graphs based on several battery characteristics
 * To use it, download the spreadhseet (linked below) as a CSV, make sure it is named battData.csv and is located in the data folder
 * If you want [to be awesome and] contribute to the list of batteries request edit priviledges on the google doc and i'll 
 * approve you. 
 * Spreadsheet link: http://tinyurl.com/85u33xr
 * There are two things that could be potentially misleading with this.
 * 1) every manafacturer seems to want to rate their batterie's Ah capacity at different discharge rate. ie one 60Ah battery 
 * may fall to 40Ah when discharged at 1c, while another may only fall to 55. As 1c is closer to reality in an EV application
 * I'm considering editing the table to use approximated 1c capacities, as opposed to the advertised number. 
 * 2) As the batteries are directly contrasted with one another a value may seem low, while in reality it is quite adequate. 
 * For example Headway cells seem to have a rather low constant current and pulse discharge rate, however 5c/10c is 
 * plenty for most applications. At 5c the entire pack is drained in 12 minutes! this only seems low because there are also much 
 * higher discharge rate discharge batteries available. 
 * Zachary M. Rubin Feb. 2012
 * zmr [at] hardwarewasteland [dot] net
 * www.hardwarewasteland.net
 * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License