MediaCodec Mirroring

This is :

  • Mirroring using MediaCodec.
  • It operates in the background. So, it does not stop to interrupt.

※ interrupt ? call, message, home button and so on.


    1. get Bitmap using getDrawingCache().
    1. Bitmap to Byte[]
    1. Byte[] to Encoder
    1. get Byte[] (encoded data) from Encoder
    1. Transfer Byte[] to Client


    1. Receive data from Server
    1. Received data to Byte[]
    1. Byte[] to Decoder
    1. Decoder to Surface
    1. Rendering with the Surface

However :

  • It's not implemented layout.
  • It's not encoded with the surface. So, need to RGB2YUV and NV21->NV12. Results in a low performance.


  • Application Mirroring
  • H.264 Encoding, Decoding
  • It's not used MediaExtractor.


  • Requires minimum API 16 (Android 4.1)

Android API



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