This project is a web application based on Rails version 4.1.5
and is a Yelp clone.
Only registered users can create new restaurants using a form, specifying the name type of cuisine and a picture.
Users can leave reviews for restaurants with a numerical value between 1 and 5, the average rating is displayed by 5 stars.
- Creating Rails applications
- The structure of Rails apps (MVC)
- TDD on Rails, with RSpec & Capybara
- Associations in Rails
- Validations
- AJAX in Rails
- Ruby on Rails
- Devise
- PaperClip
- Sass
- Postgres
- RSpec Rails
- Capybara
- Factory Girl
- Poltergeist
# 1. Clone this repository
> git clone
# 2. Go to that directory
> cd yelp_clone
# 3. Install all dependencies
> bundle install
# 4. Create test and development databases
> psql
> CREATE DATABASE yelp_clone_development;
> CREATE DATABASE yelp_clone_test;
> \q
# 5. Create database migrations
> rake db:migration
# 6. Run the tests
> rspec -fd
# 7. Run the App
> rails s
# 8. Go to the browser