
Cloning yelp application using Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Yelp Clone

This project is a web application based on Rails version 4.1.5 and is a Yelp clone.

Main functionality

Only registered users can create new restaurants using a form, specifying the name type of cuisine and a picture.

Users can leave reviews for restaurants with a numerical value between 1 and 5, the average rating is displayed by 5 stars.


  1. Creating Rails applications
  2. The structure of Rails apps (MVC)
  3. TDD on Rails, with RSpec & Capybara
  4. Associations in Rails
  5. Validations
  6. AJAX in Rails

Technologies used

  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. Devise
  3. PaperClip
  4. AWS SDK
  5. Sass
  6. Postgres
  7. RSpec Rails
  8. Capybara
  9. Factory Girl
  10. Poltergeist

How to use

# 1. Clone this repository

> git clone https://github.com/byverdu/yelp_clone.git

# 2. Go to that directory

> cd yelp_clone

# 3. Install all dependencies

> bundle install

# 4. Create test and development databases

> psql

> CREATE DATABASE yelp_clone_development;
> CREATE DATABASE yelp_clone_test;

> \q

# 5. Create database migrations

> rake db:migration

# 6. Run the tests

> rspec -fd

# 7. Run the App

> rails s

# 8. Go to the browser