
This is my first project assignment for Udacity Deep Learning Foundation Nano Degree. The jupyter notebook contains my implementation of a 2-layer neural network to predict bike share with the data from UCI Machine Learning Database. The neural network is completely implemented in python numpy.
Please feel free to play with it and leave your comments.

#Instructions to run the jupyter notebook

  1. Plese install Miniconda/Anaconda on your computer first.
  2. Create a new conda environemnt in the local directory where you download this repository:
    conda create --name env_name python=3
  3. Enter your new environemnt:
  • Mac/Linux: source activate env_name
  • Windows: activate env_name
  1. Install a list of necessary libraries, including numpy, matplotlib, pandas, and jupyter notebook. The command is as following:
    conda install numpy matplotlib pandas jupyter notebook
  2. Run the following command to open up the jupyter notebook in your browser: jupyter notebook dlnd-your-first-neural-network.ipynb
  3. Follow the instructions in the notebook to play with it.