
A fluid app for testing

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Test fluid app

Run Locally

This project uses yarn with Plug'n'Play, so install yarn before continuing:

npm i -g yarn

Install dependencies:


(Optional) Install and start Redis locally:

brew install redis

Setup the configs:

cp src/config/config.example.ts src/config/config.ts
# Update config in your favorite editor.

Note: if not using Redis to store session info, set the redis config to undefined or "env" in config.ts

export const redisConfig = redisConfigs.none; // or undefined or "env"

Run with live updates on change:

yarn dev

Build and run statically:

yarn build
yarn start

Dev Troubleshooting

VSCode can't resolve module imports

  1. Open a .ts file
  2. In bottom right corner, click the TS version (e.g. 4.2.3)
  3. Choose Select TypeScript Version
  4. Choose Use Workspace Version (should have -pnpify suffix)

VSCode says ESLint can't format file

  1. Press Cmd+Shift+P (or View > Command Pallet)
  2. Execute Select Node Path
  3. Select Use NODE_PATH value defined by setting

Fluid Development Testing

Sometimes, you want to test local changes to FluidFramework with a more complex sample app than provided in the examples. One way to do that is to use this app with locally published NPM packages!

  1. Install and run Verdaccio using Docker.
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
  1. Verify Verdaccio is running by navigating to localhost:4873. You should see the Verdaccio registry landing page.
  2. Navigate to your FluidFramework clone and build
cd ~/FluidFramework
npm install
npm run build
  1. Configure your local Verdaccio registry
npm set registry http://localhost:4873/
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
npm login
  1. Publish all FluidFramework packages to Verdaccio, then reset your local NPM registry config. This will publish all the lerna packages at the current version, which should be enough to run this app.
npx lerna exec --no-bail --parallel --stream -- npm publish
npm set registry https://registry.npmjs.org

Note: you can specify a tag for the publish version. Simply append --tag <tag> to the publish command above, then replace @latest with @<tag> in the up command below.

  1. Navigate to this app, set the appropriate npmScopes configs in .yarnrc.yml, and install latest dependencies
cd ~/fluid-app
yarn config set npmScopes.fluidframework --json '{ "npmRegistryServer": "http://localhost:4873", "npmAlwaysAuth": false }'
yarn config set unsafeHttpWhitelist --json '["localhost"]'
yarn up '@fluidframework/*@latest'