
Primary LanguageMathematica

Files in the uncorrelated repository

This repository contains three C source files (kuramoto.c, stuartlandau.c, and twolayer.c), which contain code to simulate coupled oscillators, and three Mathematica notebooks (kuramoto.nb, stuartlandau.nb, and twolayer.nb), which plot results, and scripts for running batches.

System requirements

Compiling requires the gnu scientific library: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/.


Compile each .c file with gcc, as in

gcc -o kuramoto kuramoto.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm

Running with the -h flag gives usage. For example, ./kuramoto -h outputs

usage: ./kuramoto [-n NUM] [-c K] [-f FREQUENCIES] [-C] [-t TIME] [-a ATIME] [-o OTIME] [-d DT] [-D DT2] [-i SIGMA] [-s SEED] [-y TYPE][-v] filebase 

optional arguments:
	 -a ATIME, --animate ATIME 		 Time to start outputting animation data. Default 1e1. 
	 -C, --common  		 Use common noise.
	 -c C, --coupling C 		 Coupling constant. Default 0.95.
	 -d DT, --dt DT 		 Integration timestep. Default 1e-3.
	 -D DT2, --noisestep DT2 		 Noise sampling rate. Default 1e-2.
	 -i SIGMA, --intensity SIGMA 		 Noise intensity. Default 1.
	 -n NUM, --num NUM 		 Number of grid points in each dimension. Default 1536.
	 -o OTIME, --order OTIME 		 Time to begin averaging order parameter. Default 5e2.
	 -s SEED, --seed SEED 		 Random seed. Default 1.
	 -t TIME, --time TIME 		 Total integration time. Default 1e1.
	 -v, --verbose 		 Verbose output.
	 -y, --type 		 Noise type. 0 for multiplicative gamma, 1 for additive constant phase sensitivity, 2 for additive trigonometric sensitivity. Default 1.
positional arguments:
	filebase 		 Base file name for output. filebaseout.dat contains time step data, outlast.dat contains the last state, outanimation.dat contains the states after ta.

Output files

Each program produces a filebase.out file, containing information about the command that was run and the results, and a filebase.dat file, containing binary data of all the oscillators states starting at the time specified by the -a flag.