
Find text in files, preview context of the results in GUI window, and integrate it into the system right-click menu.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Find in Files

Find in Files is a Python application that provides a simple and efficient way to search for text within files on your system. It offers a user-friendly graphical interface, making it easy for users to execute complex searches using regular expressions.


  • GUI Interface: "Find in Files" uses the wxPython library to create a cross-platform graphical interface.
  • RegEx Support: Use Python's regex library for advanced text matching capabilities.
  • System Wide Search: Recursively search through directories and files, displays the context in the results.
  • Command Line Support: Execute searches from the command line with specified files and folders as arguments.
  • Windows system support:
    • Context Menu Integration: Integration with context menu, allowing right-click on a file or directory and search within them directly.
    • Send To Menu Integration: Offers integration with the "Send To" menu for quick access.


This program require python>=3.6 and wxpython>=4.0.0

Install requirement and run on Windows / OSX:

pip install wxpython
python FindInFiles.py

Install on Linux, you may need to find *.whl here and install:



  • Run without arguments to search the current working directory:

    $ cd /path/you/need
    $ python FindInFiles.py
  • Provide FILE or DIR paths as arguments to search in multiple locations:

    $ python FindInFiles.py DIR1 DIR2 .. FILE1 FILE2 ..
